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Topic: Editing saved games (Read 13199 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
Hello again, everyone!
I know there are a couple of saved game editors around, but I haven't found a way to edit the melnorme credits. Does anyone know how this can be done?
Also, does anyone have any info about what offsets contain which settings when using a hex editor? I checked the save.c file, but I couldn't figure out how to translate this into the offset of a particular value.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
The saved games are compressed to save disk space, making it very hard to hex edit most of the game state. The easiest solution is probably to modify the save or load code.
Annoyingly, the Melnorme credits are also stored in uncompressed form (used to display the summary of the game state in the load menu), but this is not the version used by the game.
Posts: 802

If you are that interested in cheating the game, you can try memory editors, like scanmem for Linux or ArtMoney for Windows. I know it works, cause I did it myself  No weird searches like multiples or the -1 stuff, just the exact number on display in the cargo menu.
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
I tried a couple of memory editors while talking to a Melnorme ship. When I search for the number of credits in my inventory, it comes up with hundreds of hits on every integer/float type. I did have a little bit of fun manipulating the dialogue in real time, though Searching for strings seems to be a lot easier than numbers. I did find a string value for MCredit, but not MCreditHi or MCreditLo. Unfortunately, I don't know how to edit a variable directly from memory.
Posts: 802

Not credits - bioforms are the way to go.
Frungy champion
Posts: 95
Hello again, everyone!
I know there are a couple of saved game editors around, but I haven't found a way to edit the melnorme credits. Does anyone know how this can be done? I made an editor you can modify the credits with here:
Also, does anyone have any info about what offsets contain which settings when using a hex editor? I checked the save.c file, but I couldn't figure out how to translate this into the offset of a particular value.
I also did a save game editor previously, I can take a look at what offsets it uses and post them. Stand by.
Thanks. I tried a couple of memory editors while talking to a Melnorme ship. When I search for the number of credits in my inventory, it comes up with hundreds of hits on every integer/float type. I did have a little bit of fun manipulating the dialogue in real time, though  Searching for strings seems to be a lot easier than numbers. I did find a string value for MCredit, but not MCreditHi or MCreditLo. Unfortunately, I don't know how to edit a variable directly from memory. The credits aren't stored in a straight forward fashion in the memory. They way my memory editor reads them is to first read 4 bytes at a specific offset. Then it uses that data, plus an offset, as the next memory location to read to find the actual credits.
It basically finds the location using a pointer. A program called "Cheat Engine" has good support for this.
So it reads 4 bytes from this new location. Then it right shifts the data by 3 (eliminating the last 3 bits). Finally it zeros the two leftmost bytes. And the resulting data is the credits.
Writing the credits is also tricky because you have to change only specific bits in the 4 bytes of credit data.
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
Sadistic? Does that mean... fiddling with it will give you power? Hm... yeah, that sounds about right. Never mind.
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