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Topic: The biggest secret in the game (Read 6913 times)
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
I'm not really a programmer, but I think some bits of code really can be elusive, either through paranoia, incompetence, or pure luck. The very existence of DRM is an example of at least one of those things.
EDIT: In other games and software, of course. Star Control 2 is completely devoid of such diabolical software limitations.
It would be possible (read: very easy, but a pain in the ass to do manually) to obfuscate the code so that it's incredibly difficult to read (i.e. by using cluttered syntax and random, non-meaningful variables), but if that were the case, it would still be readable, and at the very least, it would be known that a bunch of obfuscated code exists. I easily agree with meep-eep, that it would have been much more convincing if he had said that it was removed from the UQM source code. And it would have been more funny too.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
show us a screenshot or video....
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 116
Dear G.M.P.E. With this thread and the plethora of voting options in the "Harry potter ripped off SC" you just gained a loyal fan and follower of me.
P.S. I'm awaiting that screencapture too...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 182

Captain in the Black Spathi Squadron
I think that it would have been more convincing if he had claimed that it only works on the PC or 3DO version, and not on UQM, suggesting that we don't have all the source code. Well I do still have the PC (With the old 5 inch disk) version and I have to say that this is the worst set of lies in history! Allow me to correct after checking over the original game source code.
First, head to Illwrath space and start killing them. There is a 1/100 chance that when you destroy an Illwrath battle group, you will be able to salvage a cloaking device from the wreckage. The code shows it is a 1/1000 chance and can only be found after you have gotten them to change their name to Dillrats
Once you win, the Black Spathi will reward you by giving you a set of coordinates for a star system (this is random). It is NOT random. It is exactly 456.9 by 742.8 every time and you can go their without the rest of this nonsense first.
you will find Precursor Dataplates. Bring them back to the Earth starbase and the commander will reveal that they contain the blueprints to build the Mark II, a Precursor cruiser Cruiser!? Yeah and the Earth ships in Baylon 5 were really just "Destroyers". He also failed to mention that you better have all the lander upgrades because the planet has over a dozen of "Zex beauty" running around on it.
(assuming you have met and defeated at least 20 Thraddash ships, of course). And that you have chosen to make them Wacky...if they are emulating you then they won't continue this awesome joke.
There will be a short cutscene where your ship will barely escape the pursuing Orz by entering a dimensional portal to *pretty space*. The file actually indicates it as called Hollywood but the in game text changed it to pretty space likely because of the ORz dialog.
They're pretty good, but not as good as Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah, or Chmmr ships Dude! Did you see that secondary weapon that makes your opponents do the Hokey Pokey while it states "That's what it's all about!". I'd put that up against any ship in the game in a heartbeat!
- Your ship has precisely 52 crew 51 you Dunce! That's why you only need one crew module for this!!!
If all of these conditions are met, head to Groombridge and approach the Rainbow World. You will then meet the creators of the game. Insult them several times and they will say they are bringing their friends to teach you a lesson. The Taalo captain will then say something about detecting a powerful hyperwave broadcast signal emanating from Groombridge in the direction of the Galactic Core.
He is right about this part but you should ask them about the Frungy games too. If you bet on their favorite team, they will give you a copy of the worlds greatest funrom!
Head there and you will be able to enlist the help of the only race capable of defeating the Precursors - the Grand Master Planet Eaters. They will send a delegation to your ship, now head back to hyperspace and go to any random star system. When you approach a planet, instead of orbiting it, you will eat it These guys in the original files were named Manuel Uribe Impersonators for some reason......
Your ship will appear to be destroyed, but in reality you will have traveled back in time to the year 1996. Head back to earth, and use either the Burvixese or Umgah hyperwave caster in Earth orbit to order Accolade Entertainment to do better when making Star Control 3. This is a DAMN LIE!!! By contacting them you give them the idea to make the worst map system in the word for Star Control 3 which means it is all your fault Grand Master Planet Eater! You are the one who ruined Star Control 3....You made them make that game!!!!!!!!! Fellow Star Control Fans! Rise up and get this man for ruining out childhoods!!!!
*Summons his army of glowy bits to strike him down*
I'll be honest, I did once hack through the data files to try and find out where the Black Spathi Squadron was. I loved this post and wish to hell I had thought of it first though you have given me further desire to make my next review Star Control 3 for my channel
Of course there are fates worse then death......after could always make me angry
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 136

Why don't all races have point defense lasers?
I wonder if every possible Star Control myth was included in this fabrication? Oh wait, it didn't include the hidden dialogue where you get to make love to Admiral Zex in order to convince him to give you his collection of Syreen Maidens.
Some of them are based on reality, e.g. they did intend for a cloaking device originally and there is some art made where you get to meet the creators.
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