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Topic: Netplay cannot select ships (Read 1575 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I have scoured other posts to see if this is anywhere else, but I apologise if it is...
Me and a friend are connecting for netplay super-melee, He can connect to me fine, but not vice versa, I am unable to connect to him. Anyway, we both press battle! and I can choose my ship, but none of his keys move to select which ship he wants, no keys at all work except pause and quit ( F1 and F10 )
Am I being a dunce and missing something real important here? is there a fix for this? is it possibly a network issue ?
EDIT: more info
We have both portforwarded our routers to the correct port. He is on a windows 7 machine, I am on XP.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 09:49:48 pm by Winterchronic »
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