Re: What a gyp! « Reply #16 on: April 10, 2003, 04:27:38 am »
I think the lady marauder is determined to bump EVERY old post.
Lukipela wasn't joking about the talking to the creators bit, though. It was their plan to have them be meet-able at Groombridge.
*laughs* Yes, it's part of my insidious plot. I'm determined to make your lives all a living hell! *evil laugh*
Hrmm... Groombridge. That would've been interesting, to say the least. Hello TFB! *idly ponders the Orz humor in saying hello*
I always found that Rainbow World just out of curiosity for a world with such a cheerful sounding name. It sounded like "Gloombridge" and made me wonder if a Utwig colony was situated there.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
Re: What a gyp! « Reply #17 on: April 10, 2003, 06:19:04 pm »
Heh, you should hear me taling in real life ErekLich... I never ever ever stop! And seeing as I do quite a bit of wriing otherwsie as well, this is kindof a natural medium for me... although I suspect that if Primat keeps her speed up, she will soon surpass me....
And of course, C_20 has a point as well, I seldom manage to refrain from answering a topic....
going back to the topic, I would also have liked to see the combined Utwig/Suox vs Kohr-Ah/Kzer-Za battles.... They sounded absolutely fascinating...
Re: What a gyp! « Reply #18 on: April 11, 2003, 02:58:30 am »
although I suspect that if Primat keeps her speed up, she will soon surpass me....
Oh, have no fear of that. I'm down to replying to the last three pages of older threads--- I'm currently in March's posts, I believe. Adding that to the fact that I have absolutely no ability with technical issues, your title of #1 poster is in absolutely no way in danger of being threatened by me. In fact I doubt I'll ever obtain the title of "smell controller" to be honest.
But I do find it rather amusing that I made it to the 'top 15 posters' list within a week of registering.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.