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Topic: How to access to the command line console? (Read 3166 times)
The Guy
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
i've been trying to find where do i have to tip those commands but i don't know where, also, i can't use the star search thing, my / key works perfectly but the game doesn't start a search when i press it
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 07:58:13 pm by The Guy »
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
First, RTTFAQ. We can't help you find stuff in your operating system without knowing which one it is, and you should be able to find what you need in the FAQ. You should also tell us which version of UQM you are running and where you got it. Also, when reporting problems with keys, it would help to know what sort of keyboard you are using, particularly the layout.
I can't seem to get the star search feature to work myself with the default settings under Linux with UQM 0.6.2 or current SVN with my usual Finnish keyboard layout or US English; pressing either "/" key (main keyboard or numeric keypad) does nothing in the starmap. However, remapping the key by editing keys.cfg works with UQM 0.6.2.
The Guy
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
sorry i forgot it 
i'm using Windows XP SP3 and i have UQM 0.6.2, i've already read the FAQ but i didn´t find something that said how to access the command line console
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
In Windows XP, you can get a command prompt by selecting "Run..." from the Start menu and entering "cmd". I'm not sure this is what you want.
Another thing you could be asking about is how to change the command line used by a shortcut. This is doing by right-clicking the shortcut, selecting "Properties" and editing the Target field on the Shortcut tab. This information used to be in the technical FAQ, but you shouldn't need to do this any more in most cases, since UQM's built-in setup menu supports most of these options.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
You mean "Fatal error: Could not find content.", right? If you're running UQM from the command line, you should either use the -n option to specify where the content directory is or enter the main UQM program directory before running UQM. Similarly, the working directory for a shortcut needs to be the UQM directory unless you use the -n option. If you're trying to create a shortcut, try copying and editing one that works rather than creating your own from scratch.
The Guy
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
ok, i tried opening the UQM directory, and this time it displayed the same message that the program shows when i type -h, i'm not sure if it worked, cuz i noticed that any command i type, i can only receive two answers: the help message and the "Fatal error: Could not find content."
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Could you explain exactly what you're typing and where and where you've installed UQM and how? I suspect the problem is in what you're not saying.
The Guy
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
ok, i'll try to avoid omissions
First, as you recommended i opened the UQM main directory (C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters), then i opened the command line console and typed:
"C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe" --addon mycon_speech the program showed the same message that i see when i type the -h command.
Then i tried typing
"C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe" -n i got the same answer than above.
Finally i realized that i typed "mycon_speech" instead of "mycon-speech", so i typed
]"C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe" --addon mycon-speech answer: "Fatal error: Could not find content."
How i installed it? i simply opened the installer and i let it install it in the program files folder
PD: i saw the stderr.txt file and i found a few particular lines that said: Using 'C:/Program Files/The Ur-Quan Masters/content' as base content dir. 1 available addon pack. 1. mycon-speech.uqm
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 12:14:12 am by The Guy »
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
Let me ask something:
You have mycon-speech.uqm in the directory "C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\addons\mycon-speech", right? You didn't just put mycon-speech.uqm into the addons directory? Because I seem to think that archives put directly into the addons folder are ignored.
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