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Topic: UQM 0.7.0 release candidate (Read 17885 times)
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
The experience from the get-go should be as superior as possible for the casual player.
At least in my experience, the voice acting is the inferior version. I can't stand it. That is of little concern to my argument. ANY voiceovers are better than none. Hell, imagine the outcry if someone decided to publish a version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night without voices. That game has some of the worst voice acting in the industry, yet people love it regardless. Maybe, but there's a major difference:
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a platformer. It is action-oriented, so no player would want to be forced to read. The story doesn't even matter much, anyway, so most players will just casually listen.
Star Control II, on the other hand, is very much centered on dialog. You actually need to pay close attention to what people (well, creatures) are saying. If you just casually listen, you will have little idea what is going on.
But I doubt there would be an "outcry" if Symphony of the Night was re-released without voices. The only voices present (to my knowledge) are in cutscenes. This is also the case for SC2; the only time voices are used is when the only focus is on the dialog (intro, extro, and dialog). The only time I would imaging people liking a game less because of lack of voices (besides the voices being excellent voices, of course) is in a game like Shadow the Hedgehog, where there is some dialog of importance which is heard while you are playing an action sequence. Ironically, even games which break this rule, like Super Mario Sunshine, usually don't result in angry gamers.
But Symphony of the Night is not even a proper comparison anyway, since there's also another major difference: we're talking about potential new players, not old players. If Symphony of the Night was re-released without voices, even if it caused an outcry from fans of the original, new players playing for the first time wouldn't notice a thing. In fact, if they played the version without voices first, they very well might consider it to be the better version (or, at the very least, wish they hadn't heard the voices in the original).
Another reason that the comparison is inappropriate is we're talking about a default for an option here, not whether or not voices are available.
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
Some of those voices are wonderful. Like Larry Zee's Ur-Quan rendition. Or Bruce Leyland's Yehat. But yeah, some need replacing. I assume you could make new voice archives and use .rmps to set it to use those files?
That could be a forum project, eh?
Zebranky food

Posts: 33
I agree with TiLT, voices should be on by default. New users want the complete package, period. If you think the voice acting stinks, that's personal opinion and no reason to exclude them. If the voices don't match the text perfectly, no one really cares, people are used to those types of inconsistencies.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
... except that it's not a matter of inconsistency, it's a matter of the voices not providing important clues!
People DO care about THAT!
Zebranky food

Posts: 33
Indeed. So using voices without text would be not a good thing to do. It should be voices plus text as default.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Definitely voice with text, its so much easier to read than only listen.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I see what you're saying now - I thought you meant consistency between two presentations, but you meant within one.
I'm not really sure how that would work out. Seems like it would be really weird in the cases they diverge.
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
I asked about a more vague version of the dialog problem on the GMC (which I frequented at one time). The topic is here:
The general consensus for such a situation was to have the voices, but show the missing dialog in subtitles. The GMC is made up mostly of moderators and pre-teens with a handful of adults, so it's probably pretty mainstream as a response, though a larger sample size would be needed to reach a really good measure (only about 5 people responded).
Justin Z
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Switching to OpenAL sound in an effort to get positional audio results in the following error message upon trying to reload UQM:
The Ur-Quan Masters encountered a fatal error. Part of the log follows: The Ur-Quan Masters v.0.7-rc1 (compiled Feb 28 2011 15:09:09) [Blah blah no warranty, etc.]
Netplay protocol version 0.4. Netplay opponent must have UQM 0.6.9 or later. Couldn't initialize OpenAL: 40961 Sound driver initialization failed. This may happen when a soundcard is not present or not available. NOTICE: Try running UQM with '--sound=none' option
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