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Topic: Can I use flagship in meele? (Read 2225 times)
Hello. Thank you for your answers on previous questions. I have a question again. Can I use flagship in meele? If answer is yes, how?
Joss Rand
Zebranky food

Posts: 18
Long ago, before UQM was released with the current license, I remember someone was able to make a .shp file for the Precursor flagship and put it on the Pages of Now and Forever. I've lost it since, but I remember it was the ship as when you start the game (perhaps with even less antimatter thrusters/turning jets) -ie: underpowered, underarmed, etc-.
If there's a way to have a flagship as the one you've much later in the game -with Hellbores, point-defenses, all engines, etc-., let me know; it would be fun to kill Avatars with it.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 02:04:21 am by Joss Rand »
Long ago, before Star Control 2 (now UQM) was released, I remember someone was able to make a .shp file for the Precursor flagship. I've lost it since, but I remember it was the ship as when you start the game (perhaps with even less antimatter thrusters/turning jets) -ie: underpowered, underarmed, etc-.
If there's a way to have a flagship as the one you've much later in the game -with Hellbores, point-defenses, all engines, etc-., let me know; it would be fun to kill Avatars with it.
I would like to try to make a .shp file for the flagship. Can you tell me is there any .shp file maker and editor? I have installed Wine so it can be a Windows executable.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 124

I am certain Elvish pillager made a flagship hack.
Joss Rand
Zebranky food

Posts: 18
There were (and I'm not sure if still are) some ship editors in the Pages of Now and Forever; one changed ship stats (as well as captain's names) and the other the graphics. Some people made with it fun ships using the already existing as chassis -ie: the Tardis from Doctor Who using the Skiff-; I'll have to check the page to see if they're still. there and download them.
There were (and I'm not sure if still are) some ship editors in the Pages of Now and Forever; one changed ship stats (as well as captain's names) and the other the graphics. Some people made with it fun ships using the already existing as chassis -ie: the Tardis from Doctor Who using the Skiff-; I'll have to check the page to see if they're still. there and download them.
Send me a hyperlink where they can be downloaded if you find them.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 06:22:27 pm by Ahmed »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
.SHP files (and editors thereof) won't do you any good with UQM. Those were for the original SC2, UQM's ship data is all in the source code.
.SHP files (and editors thereof) won't do you any good with UQM. Those were for the original SC2, UQM's ship data is all in the source code.
OK. Thank you for informations.
Can I use Code::Blocks IDE and GNU GCC Compiler for compiling and modifying the source code?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 12:51:36 am by Ahmed »
.SHP files (and editors thereof) won't do you any good with UQM. Those were for the original SC2, UQM's ship data is all in the source code.
Can I use Code::Blocks IDE and GNU GCC Compiler for compiling and modifying the source code? Probably, but you'd almost certainly find it easier to just use the build script provided with UQM to compile than to set up your IDE. Okay. Thank you.
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