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Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« on: April 27, 2011, 12:32:17 pm »


Saturday, May 14th, 2011


Here is how I found the various local times in case anyone's wondering.

* 15:00 Los Angeles
* 16:00 Denver
* 17:00 Chicago
* 18:00 New York
* 22:00 London
* 00:00 Amsterdam/Paris
* 01:00 Helsinki/Jerusalem
* 02:00  PM Moscow
* 08:00 Sydney
* 10:00 Auckland


#UQM-Arena on irc:// If you don't know how any of this stuff works, this thing may be of use to you.

[Tournament Rules]

1) The game is played using Shiver's Balance Mod (1.37.1)
2) There is a maximum fleet size of 200 points for all players.
3) Do not use more than one of any of the 30-point ships (You can have a Chmmr, a Kohr-Ah and an Ur-Quan, but not two Chmmrs). Other duplicates are allowed.
4) The "stalemate breaker" rule is in effect. There has been confusion regarding this numerous times, so here is the rule in its verbose entirety:


Rule: In the spirit of competition, both players should employ whatever tactics they consider most effective. This may result in a stalemate at some point. If so, the faster of the two ships becomes a designated attacker. The attacker does not necessarily have to make a bee-line directly for the defender, but they are required to take the initiative.

Explanation: Stalemates are bound to happen. We found this rule to be a relatively painless solution. The decision to use speed as a stalemate-breaker did not significantly reduce the effectiveness of Star Control's fastest ships. As it turned out, the most mobile combatants were best suited to withstand such a penalty.

5) Shofixti host advantage prevention rule is in effect. This is a highly trivial case, but seems to occur rather often:

Shofixti Host Advantage Prevention

Rule: In case the guest player uses the Shofixti's Glory Device against the player who is hosting the game and manages to destroy the opponent in his suicide attack, then that battle is considered as the Shofixti's victory. In case this happens the host player must tell what ship he is going to deploy next on the IRC, giving the upper hand to the guest player.

Explanation: The game forces the guest player to select a ship first. This causes the host player to get an advantage in the game of rock-paper-scissors by giving him an opportunity to pick a counter against the guest player. This has been discussed on the arena and it has been decided that the battle in question should be considered as Shofixti's victory.

[Tournament Structure]

Players will be paired against each other at random. The tournament will consist of three rounds using Swiss tournament rules, meaning that you will play against other defeated players if you lose a match. There will be an additional final round between undefeated contestants if a clear winner has not emerged.

If the player turn-out is low, everyone will play against everyone else once.

Times may change!

Currently the times are a bit open. As the date is so far in future (two and half weeks) the times may change. The current proposal is based on the amount of players in each region. If there is a sudden quantity of interest in Europe, we may tune the times to match that. Currently the expected numbers are:

Americas: 4 (4-6)
Europe: 1
Australia & NZ: 1 (1-3)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 11:40:07 pm by Gekko » Logged

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 12:34:01 pm »

Lukipela, when you read this post this to the news area on SCDB if possible.

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2011, 07:24:24 pm »

Yes boss.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'm getting engaged that weekend, so I won't be available Smiley

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2011, 09:02:54 pm »

Hm, I should be able to jump in. This may be very interesting.


Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 12:08:06 pm »

Times may change!

Currently the times are a bit open. As the date is so far in future (two and half weeks) the times may change. The current proposal is based on the amount of players in each region. If there is a sudden quantity of interest in Europe, we may tune the times to match that. Currently the expected numbers are:

Americas: 4 (4-6)
Europe: 1
Australia & NZ: 1 (1-3)

I will probably not be able to play in 1 o"clock. Can you change time?
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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2011, 10:43:50 pm »

I will probably not be able to play in 1 o"clock. Can you change time?

That's not times, that's the number of players expected from those different areas. The times are farther up.

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 08:58:31 am »

I will probably not be able to play in 1 o"clock. Can you change time?

That's not times, that's the number of players expected from those different areas. The times are farther up.

In Europe it is late evening. The times can be tuned a bit. What would suit you better? if we make the tournament earlier by an hour or two, Australians will have to wake up. Alternatives involve:

1. Americans wake up, Europeans have mid-day, Australians have late evening
2. Americans have late evening, Europeans have early morning, Australians have afternoon

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 12:51:09 am »

I will probably not be able to play in 1 o"clock. Can you change time?

That's not times, that's the number of players expected from those different areas. The times are farther up.

In Europe it is late evening. The times can be tuned a bit. What would suit you better? if we make the tournament earlier by an hour or two, Australians will have to wake up. Alternatives involve:

1. Americans wake up, Europeans have mid-day, Australians have late evening
2. Americans have late evening, Europeans have early morning, Australians have afternoon

You don"t have to tune it only for me then.
I will probably miss this one.
Will there be more tournaments?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 01:00:35 am by Ahmed » Logged
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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 01:43:21 am »

You don"t have to tune it only for me then.
I will probably miss this one.
Will there be more tournaments?

I'm sure someone will play with you even if you arrive late Smiley

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2011, 06:52:15 pm »

A week to go. Remember to begin organizing your schedules!

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2011, 07:18:00 pm »

Tournament begins approximately 28-29 hours from now. Make sure to arrive and install the latest balance mod (1.37.1, updated today)

Click here for getting the mod

Before someone asks.

EDIT: 1.37.1, not 1.37.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 03:10:38 am by Gekko » Logged

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2011, 09:09:16 pm »

I don't think I'll be able to make it. My mom suddenly decided to take us this weekend. Wouldn't be a problem except we're not allowed to use their computer for some stupid reason. Maybe I'll be able to join if they happen to go out when it happens, though.

EDIT: I definitely will not be able to attend. Oh well....
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 04:41:21 am by onpon4 » Logged

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2011, 04:24:10 am »

The tournament was nothing else than a mess.

I'm already almost certain that there will be no more balance mod tournaments from me unless we set up some strict rules that require everyone to come test their games a few days in advance. Originally we had some nice 6 players, most notably two newer players (BaVD and Dyandod), out of which Dyandod had to leave. Then we got an old visitor again, hansolo0, who had previously fought in one older tournament at the arena. Hansolo0 wasn't aware of the tournament being a balance mod one, so he apparently didn't seem interested first. He later on joined the tourney later which messed up the order a bit. The final nail to the coffin was Oldlaptop's connection which he had, as a true professional, secured by playing in another location instead of his usually lagging home. I tested his connection and it was perfect, the best connection I've ever had with him. He even played a good game against Shiver, but then his network infrastructure apparently was overburneded by the 4.4kB/s traffic that Ur-Quan Masters Net Melee creates and he had to default all his games.

The times were off. I tuned them so that we could get some Australians, but it would seem the focus was off. Only Sideways arrived from that area, so the Europeans were all lost. Maybe there could have been more activity from the European countries if the tournament was set for Sunday morning for us. Times are always an issue, and next tournament will probably be at a different hour.

The first round was, well, I'm not sure. It was kind of the entire tournament.

Shiver wins oldlaptop by 106 points
Gekko wins BavD by 92 points

==> delay here, stuff gets weird

Sideways wins oldlaptop as they are unable to continue due to lag issues. Sideways wins by [side's ships left - laptop's ships left] = 42 points
Shiver plays against BavD as I am busy helping people set up their balance mod. Shiver wins by 54 points

Han joins the tournament and plays against BaVD. Han wins by 52 points. By this time BavD has played all his 3 games.
I play against Oldlaptop, but the lag issues are too severe. We agree on a default draw, and Oldlaptop has played all his 3 games.

Shiver plays against Han, and wins by 34 points. Shiver has played 3 games, and has 3 score. He is by now the winner.
Sideways and Han both have 1 score, while I have 1.5. This means that Side and Han must figure out who is going to play against me for the 2nd place.

By this moment, I had used 4 ships during the entire evening and had been sitting on my chair for 3 hours and 55 minutes. I was a bit pissed at this. Sorry if I used angry words now and then.

Sideways won hansolo0 by 124 points. This meant that I would be fighting for the 2nd place with Sideways. Should Sideways win, he should naturally only get to the second place even if he would get more score than Shiver from this extra match (it was his 4th game).

In the end I won Sideways by 20 points, a mere damaged Androsynth surviving the mirror at the end. I was kind of sleepy by this time, and the lag was a bit de-motivating. It was one of the strangest games I've played, though.

In general I'd like to consider this event as something between a meet-up and a light tournament. The turn-out was good first, but then turned out to be a series of defaulting results with the pairing system changing multiple times. Perhaps the way to go is to simply host those meet-ups again instead of tournaments. I hope that Balance Mod installation isn't nuclear science after it has been ported to 0.7.0. Should make these Balance Mod tourneys a bit more fluent.

Final standings? They are silly, but eh:

1: Shiver with 3 points and 3 full games
2: Gekko with 2.5 points and 2.05 games
3. Sideways with 2 points and with 3.5 games
4. hansolo0 with 1 point and 3 full games
5. Oldlaptop with 0.5 points and 2.55 games
6. BaVB with 0 points and 3 full games

I'm sure there is a way manage a even more confusing tournament. Somehow.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 04:26:56 am by Gekko » Logged

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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2011, 11:57:41 pm »

By spacing it out over several days? Up to the individuals to arrange the individual games. The matches can be chosen to make meeting not crazy hard.

No-show: 0 points
lose: 1 point
win: 3 points

I couldn't make this date, for example; but I could likely arrange to play several games over a period of a week or two.
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Re: Balance Mod dupes tournament May 2011
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2011, 09:00:10 am »

 Smiley Hey guys sorry for any trouble about netmelee. It should be noted that if you  install balance mod to the uqm dir it will cause uqm's 'vanilla' netmelee not to be able to connect, and/or think it is 'balance' even though it isn't . At least it did for me. Had to reinstall uqm to another dir to get the netmelee to work.

Apologies to sideways as we were playing a little on our own latter and I kinda 'stormed off' in frustration.... Embarrassed
That guy is just too good at melee! I'm up for playing more too...
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