If you have an Android phone, and it runs 2.2 or higher, you might be interested in a silly little live wallpaper app I cooked up; it turns the background on your phone into the comms screens from The Ur-Quan Masters:
It uses the content packs from the game, which must be downloaded separately due to copyright restrictions. The base.zip from UQM/Android has also been observed working in the wild, so you can use that if you have it. The Settings page walks you through downloading the content, though, if you're worried.
I am also actively soliciting translations for the (small) amount of user-facing text in the app. Android almost makes it harder to not do i18n, so there's little reason for English-speakers to have all the fun.
If you'd like to help, contact info is at the page above.
Some screenshots, courtesy of Lukipela:
"I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth." --Fry