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Topic: New - what do I do? (Read 3192 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
I loved Star Control 1 but never played 2 - I recently got to trying it out, and... I am totally lost. I've checked gamefaqs (too spoilery) and the FAQ but there's no hints or anything anywhere. I mined the moon and all the planets on Sol, befriended the Spathi on Pluto and, now what? I keep going to other systems but I either die or there's nothing to do and I run out of fuel after hours of exploring. Are there any "next part of the story" nudges I am missing?
Posts: 802

Probably not too spoilery a question - did you try to orbit Earth? Have you visited the starbase? At this initial point you will get "quests", fulfilling them you will get new ones and so on. One piece of advice - keep notes and write down all pieces of information characters in game provide you with, this info is not stored anywhere in the game itself. Welcome to SC2, by the way!
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Thanks - I can tell this game will be awesome - I have gone to Earth, talked to the commander, cleared out the moon and mined every planet in Sol. This felt like what newer games would call "the tutorial". Usually, there's a "Hey, next you want to go here and do this" to get people started on the first real mission, but I remember that older games don't always do that. I'm looking for a "where should I go first to get the story started?"
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
Mine in the star systems near Sol, build up an RU stockpile. I'm sure the friendly Starbase Commander will find something for you to do if you wait a while.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
Star Control 2 is a game where you have phases for exploring freely and enjoying the feeling of voyaging in the vast space. Occasionally you simply have to go somewhere, mine and hit a lead. There's quite a bit of stuff out there in the dark corners of Space - I'm sure you'll hit something soon.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 101
Try going to Alpha Centauri and wait around a bit.
Posts: 802

One more advice, if not too late for that - you might want to wait before going to the mellee, because that would show you several ships you shouldn't be familiar with at the beginning of the game, so it would be a spoiler.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 101
Also, you should have already been told the locations of several races by Fwiffo and Hayes. If you've forgotten what they said, I'd actually recommend starting the game over. When you talk to Hayes about background information at the beginning this time, take notes. He'll tell you about all the races from Star Control 1.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 101
I remember noticing that the last time I played, a lot of Hayes dialog options seemed to disappear once you read them. Maybe I just misremembered.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Wow! I didn't expect a forum for a video game that was over a decade old to be so active - just a testament to its greatness, I guess.
Thanks for the tips and hints everyone - I'm definitely familiar with the "You're on your own" feel of old school games (I played Phantasy Star 2 on the Genesis all the way despite losing the hint guide shortly after I got the game - no internet in those days) so I've grit my teeth, grabbed a notebook and pen, and headed out into space. Met a few other ships, got into a few fights, have to find some Rainbow Land for the Melnorme, etc.
Point is I think I'm on my way - and thank you for your help! (Though feel free to hint at things still, but no spoilers plz)
Zebranky food

Posts: 26
Alpha centauri is a good system for resource gathering, tough the environments are hell there, i suggest you land and collect a few then go back to ship and save and then repeat. The purple minerals are the most valuable and well worth the effort. Anything worth less than 3 a piece isnt relly worth of gathering, that would be the red and light blue minerals.
Certain red probes are fast enemies and might become pain in the coming years when their numbers will increase, id suggest you take care of the problem as soon as possible. You will need both alot of fuel and contacting certain species tough to learn and reach the place of their origin. Checking out Rigel will get you started on this path.
Id suggest you first max up your turning and thrusters. that way you can outrun your enemies if you happen on a hostile alien terratory. The ilwrath are a pain to fight, id suggest you avoid fighting with them until you get some energy modules and 3 way weapons on your capital ship, even then it can be a little tricky due to their cloaking device. They can inadvertenly give you some tips tough about a certain friendly alien species and other things.
When you ally with the spathi, id suggest you build couple of their ships right away and save them. Spathi can give u alot of useful hints and tips if you talk to them. Spathi ships are also good in fight against even the most powerful seeming ships like the one's ur-quan have.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 12:27:27 am by Armass »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 101
The probes are easy to deal with. Once your ship is upgraded, it's all just free credits.
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