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Author Topic: Mouse Support  (Read 16222 times)
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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2003, 03:21:49 pm »

Mmh - lett mee ssink heere!

A-bombs came first, with only the radioactive material reaching critical mass and then the chain reaction taking place.

H-bombs are a combo since they use the energy produced by an A-bomb to fuse heavy Hydrogen (Deuterium & Tritium) to Helium and the energy set free is about three times as much as if you only took the same amount of Uranium (thermonuclear fusion bomb).

Neutron bombs are out of the question, since radioactive emission isn't really worth anything in space...

Since devastation and a lot of energy is the main goal of a weapon against starships, I'd go with an advanced H-Bomb of some sort?

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2003, 07:11:02 pm »

I donno, but I was just thinking about Hyperspace and Einstein's famous experiment where he proves light is being bent because space is not, well, a plate. It's bent!
so Hyperspace might not be "travelling faster than light" rather travelling by "benting" space. It is btw what they do in Star Trek and also that effect you see in the 3DO opening Tongue

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2003, 09:40:58 pm »

The problem with bending space with matter is that you always bend it straight down, as it were - you always make it further to get where you're going, rather than less.
(for the "straight down" image, I am referring to the 'rubber sheet' analogy, which is actually quite strong within the elastic limit of the rubber. You will never make a path on this rubber sheet shorter just by pushing the points further down...)

As for A vs. H-bombs, well, we have the H-bomb technology pretty well figured out. It is much more complicated, yes, but so are computers, and they use THEM...

Neutron bombs might be useful for irradiating the hull, which could weaken it.
This is such a nifty idea, having a weapon that increases the damage of all later weapon hits, that I included it on one of my ship designs -- but it is not how the Earthling Cruiser works.

Now, the real problem is, A-Bombs and H-Bombs are really be so powerful that a point-blank range blast from either one would vaporize hundred of tons of metal - a single hit from either one would destroy any reasonably-sized Earthling Cruiser. Yet Earthling Cruisers (assuming they don't use PD) can take four such hits and still operate.

This is probably just going to have to be chalked up as a game fallacy, and left at that.
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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2003, 10:08:01 pm »

Well, maybe the Earthling Cruisers don't use the big ICBM-type nukes that could vaporize a whole city but the smaller tactical battlefield equivalent with a much smaller blast radius...
After all, ICBMs are pretty big and the Cruiser isn't really a Super-StarDestroyer. Those smaller nukes are pretty much like photon torps (although the size in melee speaks of a larger scale).

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2003, 11:19:21 pm »

Most of the size of an ICBM is the fuel for the long flight. Including around 3 seconds of fuel instead of about 10 minutes (200 times as much) would really cut down on the size.
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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #50 on: March 04, 2003, 05:59:19 am »

True, but I think the size of the warhead pretty much stays the same. After all, we're not talking about "dirty bombs" just spreading radioactives but of nuclear weapons needing a "critical mass".
On the other hand, during melee, the nuke travels fairly quickly in the pretty big space around a star - again speaking for a large amount of fuel (even though it's spent in a couple of seconds - the real missiles use fuel only for ascending into the atmosphere, the rest is "falling down").

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #51 on: March 04, 2003, 09:49:43 pm »

Well, warheads aren't all THAT big. I mean, yeah, the test run, "Trinity" was bigger than your average office park - but a short range thermonuke can be mounted on a truck.
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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #52 on: March 04, 2003, 10:41:03 pm »

That's right. And if you use a diesel truck it will use even less fuel than a gasoline truck  Cheesy

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #53 on: March 06, 2003, 01:05:53 am »

So we could skip the whole missile thing and just attach them to shofixti scouts instead? Or maybe even the Quan support fighters... Ouch!

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #54 on: March 06, 2003, 01:49:23 am »

The rockets have a better chance of reaching their destination than Ur-Quan fighters...
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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2003, 02:10:17 am »

I think we rather stick with unmanned cruise missiles - if you put a nuke into a scout vessel guided by an overkeen Shofixti (and he knows about the firepower he then bares) the chances of it ever reaching the target are slim to say the least.

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2003, 02:49:41 am »

Plus, it's not in the Shofixti's blood to just fly around the edge of the battlefield and peg enemies with missiles.  It's all about the kamikaze, baby!

Hehe, reminds me of a Monty Python's Flying Circus episode I was watching yesterday...  it was where they were training the first-ever Kamikaze Scottish Clansmen.  It was so funny.  There was this scene of Soviet Russians speaking about their evil plans to attack Great Britain, when all of a sudden a bagpipe is heard in the background.  Then a Scottish clansman jumps through the skylight and lands on the table and begins ticking... hehe, it was so funny.  Well, there was no explosion, but a scene followed where they tried to dispose of the Kamikaze Clansman.  Hehe, classic Monty Python!

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2003, 04:41:21 am »

Actually I WAS thinking of a Kamikaze-Shofixti who also has a nuke strapped to the hull of his ship (pretty much like the guys in ID4).

By the way, while talking about classics, here's a nice picture for you:
A Shofixti sitting on a nuke falling from the sky à la Dr. Strangelove - he's gotta be the happiest bastard in the whole universe. KEEEE-AAAAAYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEHHH!

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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #58 on: March 06, 2003, 08:29:04 pm »

I don't get it - what do you think the Glory device IS unless it's a thermonuclear bomb? It's not a Flour-bag of DOOM that goes pop and white dots fly all over the place killing people.

Essentially, the suggestion has already been taken. Anyway, the Glory Device does a lot more than the 4 damage of an Earthling Cruiser missile.
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Re: Mouse Support
« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2003, 08:44:57 pm »

I always thought that when the Shofixti blows up he just shuts off the magnetic containment field of his warp engines and the following explosion is not a nuclear but a matter/antimatter-reaction?

a) He needs something like a warp-drive
b) How do you generate enough energy if not through m/am?
c) It would explain the bigger explosion than from an Earthling nuke
d) I like that kind of devastation better than "just" a nuke

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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