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Topic: Trophy Bone Pits (Read 5914 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
They do say something about Zelnick's bones gracing the pit 'for a time', so maybe they just don't.
Frungy champion
Posts: 95
The same way scientists today treat bones to keep them from deteriorating?
Admiral Zeratul
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 223

I enjoy overthinking things.
Bones don't easily rot away to start with but I have two theories. 1) They treat the bones with chemicals (Despite the appearance in the pit, if those bones are recovered from the destroyed ships, there is no way that red fluid could be blood. Absolute 0 tends to freeze that sort of thing :p ) 2) Those aren't the original bones but rather replicas like what are used in museums Of course there is a third theory though which I think is the most likely one 3) Because, Shut Up!  Can I get the 1,000 Ru's in Tzo Crystals? I have a date this Friday who's into jewelry. Very well, you have earned your RU's. I'm deducting 500 RU's because of that third theory though. These are important questions!
Priority override. New behavior dictated. Must break post into component ideas.
Posts: 802

The blue rim could be glass, and the bone pit itself is under vacuum. That would prevent rotting - no bacteria can be active in vacuum (even if they can survive it).
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 101
They could take the cover off temporarily. And then irradiate the bones to deactivate any bacteria that snuck in.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Space isn't absolute zero. It will be around 3 kelvins from the background plus a correction for the local star. Space around Earth is around 99997 parts 3K background to 3 parts 5700 K solar photosphere… under the 4th power rule for radiative transport, you get ~292 kelvins, which is 19 centigrade. You know, around the temperature of the Earth. I think you are going to have to walk me through your math a little bit. Stefan-Boltzmann Law is used but what you are justifying does not work for even near Earth orbit. Of course. Near Earth Orbit, the sky is dominated by the Earth, which throws things off - the Earth will be replacing the sun and half the black sky half of the time, and half of the black sky the other half of the time. Not even sure what that comes out as. Probably a lot colder. If you back it off so the Earth is insignificant but you're still at the same distance from the sun, then things simplify again.
Assume we have a solid object at thermal equilibrium with the radiation it's in. Solar input + background input = object's radiation (let this be isotropic). For simplicity, let the object's emissivity be constant across the spectrum, so we can cancel it.
We then get (arc area of sun) * (Photosphere temperature)^4 +(arc area of not sun) * (Background temperature)^4 = 4 pi (Temperature of Object)^4
The sun is about 32 arcminutes wide = 6.8 * 10^-5 steradians, and the temperature of the photosphere is 5700 K. The arc area of the rest of the sky is 4 pi minus 8.7*10^-5 steradians, and its temperature is, well, I let it be 3K but we can go with 2.7K.
So we have 6.8*10^-5 * (5700 K)^4 + 4 pi * (2.7 K) ^ 4 = 4 pi T ^ 4.
T = 275 K It's lower because the first time through I was being rough with the sun's area by assuming it was square instead of circular. 3°C instead of 19°C, but whatever. I think the point holds.
Now, the blood *will* boil and freeze because of the pressure drop, but the frozen stuff will remain. And of course when they bring it into the ship it will thaw. And they could add a lot of the lost water again. The return of oxygen would even let it be red again (assuming of course that the relevant aliens had the same color issues, which isn't at all certain)
Also the Kor-Ah are constantly moving and in the game, no where near Earth which means you need to correct for whichever star that ship is closest to. Yes, it was an example.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 06:59:20 pm by Death 999 »
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