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Topic: Need Melee Help? (Read 15429 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150

The worst part is that the Utwig shield lasts precisely as long as hold the button down, while the Yehat shield continues for a second or so no matter how long you held the button.
On what planet can an Earthling stand a chance against a Slylandro? Sheesh.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, if they're on the planet then neither ship will be able to fly, will it?
More seriously - the Computer AI won't 'parry' your incoming missiles, so fire twice while it's at range and not already shooting at you. Then hold down the point defense for the last four crew and you'll make it out with 4-6 crew remaining.
This DOES rely on the AI being a little dim.
Captain Smith
I still don't get how can you beat an Avatar with a ZFP Stinger..
perhaps with 12 Stingers, but certainly not one!
Use the main gun, fly around him and play keep-away...and hit him with the gun when it fully charges. I'll admit it's not an easy venture, but a possible one. The hard part is not getting hit by the zap-sats since you have to be pretty close to them to be able to hit the main ship.
Take out a Slylandro with an unreasonable loss of crew? Super Melee, yes? For single player, I'll stick to Spathi Fu.
Wouldn't a smart Avatar captain just tractor beam the Stinger into its zapsats, or blow it to pieces with the laser? You're forgetting a circling Stinger could just be pulled in by the tractor beam with ease.
I'm not sure about that -- the Stinger isn't the Fury, but it's got a pretty good amount of zip. Flying in circles means that the Avatar is generally moving away from you, or at least not towards you (so you can actually increase your distance under a full tractor beam)
I still haven't mastered this technique against the computer, though, so I'm not ready to try it on a human ;-) (the problem is that it takes even more precise maneuvering than taking out an Avatar with a Fury -- you don't have the side shots, so you actually have to turn around and face the monster to damage it)
Captain Smith
Yes the Stinger isn't the Fury...but the Stinger has a more stable propulsion than the Fury and makes it easier to stay away from the Chmmr. With the Fury, it has the sheer power to get away, but with the manuverability, it can have a tendency to "float" towards the Chmmr if you don't fly in a somewhat parallel line with the tractor when you get away. I've flown towards the side with a Pkunk and gotten pulled in before...
Besides I wouldn't use the circling tactic with a Pkunk against a Chmmr anyway.
I still don't get how can you beat an Avatar with a ZFP Stinger..
perhaps with 12 Stingers, but certainly not one!
I got started playing around with the video capture rig I mentioned in the technical issues forum and got the first couple of videos that I wanted to share. They basically involve the claim made in this thread and another one regarding the Spathi. The videos offered were made with me playing against the Awesome AI. They use the XVid Codec, and are 320x240 30fps. The host here offers a 7 day or 25 download setup, whichever comes first, so if anyone wants to host them more permanently, by all means, do it (with proper credit of course).
Spathi defeats the Chmmr (5079K)
ZFP defeats the Chmmr (3043K)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Sweet videos Captain Smith! It's an inspiration to those who think that the Spathi and ZFP are too weak!
Posts: 580

That's awesome, Captain Smith..  And yes, that just shows it's very muchly possible. However, myself, I don't prefer things like this. I find nibbling an Avatar down like this is rather boring. That and with a Stinger, it's pretty damn risky. Very likely that you make a tiny mistake and die at the hands of the enemy!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
I've found a way to beat an Androysynth as an Orz btw, what you have to do, is early on in the game DO NOT release marines. This will force the Guardian to go in Blazer mode and kill you really easily, what you have to do is gravity whip in an alternate direction. Once at full grav mode, turn the turret to the back, then release 1 marine. The Synth will blaze to avoid the marine but then turn to blaze at you directly, but a good thing is in an Orz grav-whip mode the Synth cannot catch up to you (and will most usually chase up directly behind you). When this is happening let loose with the cannons. When he's blazed up, you might want to pressurise him with launching another marine to expend his blazer form, or grav-whip again if he's going in another direction that would put him in the path of you.
Btw awesome videos Capt Smith! It's a change to see people who know that the ZFP aren't meant to be messed with
« Last Edit: June 26, 2006, 04:57:18 pm by Elerium »
Frungy champion
Posts: 99
We are all *happy campers*
If you're feeling brave, bring in an Arilou. Have to get close to get him to decloak, but try to be moving laterally so you're not in his guns when he opens up. Stay close to it, outmaneuver the cannon and while he's trying to reach you, he won't stay cloaked. Open up on it.
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