We all know the Ur-Quan were easily controlled by the Dnyarri, but how did the Dnyarri cause the Ur-Quan to separate into two different sub-species? Was it genetic modification, breeding, or something completely different?
Priority override. New behavior dictated. Must break post into component ideas.
By this point, the Dnyarri had used genetic manipulation to split the Ur-Quan into two sub-species the Green Ur-Quan -- scientists, technicians, and administrators who were responsible for maintaining the limited infrastructure of the Dnyarri civilization and the Black Ur-Quan, who filled the ranks of basic laborer and combat soldier.
I think it would be easier to determine this by seeing what the original race looked like before the split was created.
My guess is it was a matter of recoding the DNA is some shape or form (figure similar technology along the lines of what the Umgah use.) Most likely through a combination of chemical and telepathic manipulation followed by breeding the old race out with the new ones.
Of course there are fates worse then death......after all.....you could always make me angry