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Author Topic: The Shofixti threat  (Read 30210 times)
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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #60 on: March 27, 2003, 09:41:47 pm »

And then there's those Mormons who keep popping out an average of a dozen children each. So if things keep going like they are eventually the only people left populating the planet will be Mormon, and if you'e ever been to Utah, it's not going to be a pretty sight.

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2003, 02:11:53 am »

So if things keep going like they are eventually the only people left populating the planet will be Mormon, and if you'e ever been to Utah, it's not going to be a pretty sight.

Hey, don't hate on Utah!  They've got some good stuff...
... well, I can't think of anything.
If you meet the spacefaring Yehat, you will know that this is not true. It was the Queen and court which gave up, and most Yehat followed, unwillingly. That's why the civil war erupts in the first place, not many are content with the queen, and following her is torture to most of the spacefaring Yehat.

I know that not all the Yehat agreed to the surrender, but I said the "Yehat surrendered" meaning their time as battle thralls would be dishonorable in the eyes of the Shofixti.  Argue all you want about whether their civil war would redeem the Yehat's honour in the eyes of the Shofixti or not.

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2003, 06:32:40 am »

And then there's those Mormons who keep popping out an average of a dozen children each. So if things keep going like they are eventually the only people left populating the planet will be Mormon, and if you'e ever been to Utah, it's not going to be a pretty sight.

Hey, now what the *BLEEP* is wrong with a whole bunch of *BLEEPING* children, huh? And what the *BLEEP* is wrong with Utah (or you)?

(The only thing which would speak against Utah right now is that, uh, never mind...)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2003, 06:33:34 am by German_Nightmare » Logged

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2003, 11:26:25 pm »

woah, this forum is having some problems!
I can't read what you post, it says "BLEEEP" all over.



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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2003, 12:46:38 am »

That's weird! What the *BLEEP*?
(I self-censored those words to avoid trouble...)


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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #65 on: March 31, 2003, 02:27:45 am »

It's a spooky thought in a way. It seems that most ppl who have large families nowadays are religious, belonging to one religion or another (ok, gross over-generalization here, but still). In a democratic society, doesn't that mean that pretty soon our countries can actually vote in favor of becoming theocracies? Spooky.

As regards the hormone thingie for the shofixti and the lizard thing. I have to say that biology isn't my strongest subject, but does really apply to a race that has evolved beyond it's original habitat? I know we only have one race to base our specualtions on, but I would think that any race that finds that it needs not adapt to natures rythm, but can rather make nature adapt, would pretty soon have managed to sabotage natures safeguards against overpopulation...

As for the Yehat. they surrendered as a race, even though they didn't all agree about it. The dishonor is theirs as a race.

What's up doc?

Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #66 on: March 31, 2003, 05:53:24 am »

One thing that seems to have been missed, when you have a huge population you tend to have horrible almost unstoppable diseases , influenza, cholera, black plague anyone, which always devastate and thin out populations, Also there was a prediction made decades ago that calculated the future population of earth which could go into the 100's of billions but with one fatal flaw, it didn't account for the fact that food is limited and that limits our population and attempts to increase food production always impact environment which can create other population thinning things such as droughts leading to famines and futher population thining.
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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #67 on: March 31, 2003, 08:21:26 am »

I think we have missed the simplest answer.

When replenishing the Shofixit population is not the goal... I imagine they just use condoms... or birth control pills.  In nature, food supply generally limits populations.  But given that they are sentient, they would likely have come to the same conclusion as many westerners today.

Their high birth rate is indiciative of having natural predators also... the ZotFoq had them... have the Shofixti ever mentioned being prey... they look like they could fill a BBQ.


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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #68 on: March 31, 2003, 05:24:31 pm »

Huge populations don't give rise to unstoppable diseases all by themselves. It's the conditions they cause (hygienic and such) that gives the diseases a chance to floursih, and malnutrition, cramped living quarters and so on account for their fast spreading and their lethality. But a civilization that has reached the starfaring stage has probably sorted a lot of this out already, and shouldn't be very vulnerable to this phenomena.

I think we covered the predator thing earlier, again, when a race gets to the spacefaring stage, such predators aren't likely to kep their numbers down very effectively.

As for birth control methods, yes it is certainly a possibility, but we can't know for sure. They might have religious reasons, as some religions here on Earth, cultural reasons, like some nations here on earth, they might not be withspread enough to completely control the population growth, and so on.

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #69 on: April 02, 2003, 05:36:30 am »

I... have the Shofixti ever mentioned being prey... they look like they could fill a BBQ.

Hehe... I wouldn't wanna be the creature trying to stuff a Shofixti into a barebque.  Those claws and teeth look pretty vicious to me.  If the Shofixti have any natural foes or predators on their home planet, I'd assume they rule the food chain and beat any animal they wish with their great agility and strength.

Or they'd just send their Shofixti ninjas to kill 'em.

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #70 on: April 02, 2003, 05:26:28 pm »

Well, I wouldn't really be surprised if the Shofixti had something like a personal glory device implanted after adulthood or so (after birth could cause a lot of trouble among quarreling kids...) to avoid being the main attraction of a BBC  Cheesy

You put'em on a grill, everything seems fine, and the first time you wanna turn him around to get the other side crispy as well - KaBOOOOM!

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #71 on: April 02, 2003, 09:04:45 pm »

Huge populations don't give rise to unstoppable diseases all by themselves. It's the conditions they cause (hygienic and such) that gives the diseases a chance to floursih, and malnutrition, cramped living quarters and so on account for their fast spreading and their lethality.

You forgot chemical and biological weaponry research.. *cough* e.g. Iraq *cough*


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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #72 on: April 02, 2003, 09:28:58 pm »

Ok, points to GM for almost making me fall off my chair with the BBQ comment.

" You put'em on a grill, everything seems fine, and the first time you wanna turn him around to get the other side crispy as well - KaBOOOOM!"

Grin Grin Grin I wouldn't want to be that would be BBquer. You'd not even have time to put ketchup on them!

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #73 on: April 02, 2003, 10:12:16 pm »

Thanks LP, I myself chuckled when I pictured that scene  Cheesy

It would definitely be a lot better to just insult him enough until he blows himself up, scoop up the rest, et voilĂ , Shofix-Tartar, medium rare (you can now go fetch the ketchup bottle!)

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Re: The Shofixti threat
« Reply #74 on: April 03, 2003, 08:02:58 pm »

I don't think ketchup goes with tartar. the Shofixti have always impressed me to tell the truth,  with their willingness to die for what's right. Like those "Divine Wind" fellows. To be ready to give up your life for honour, to relaize that there are more important things than living, other things that matter more, is... impressive. Seeing as we already have a suicide bomber debate over on another thread, let me just clarify that I'm talking about fighting as a warrior, in acvtual battle here, and nothing else. I'm equally impressed by the people who stormed Normandy. To be ready to give your life for justice. That's the way I'd like to go. Well, either that, or in bed at 105 with my Syreen wife.

What's up doc?
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