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Topic: More doodles (Read 8696 times)
Posts: 520

Gameboy style test. A Spathi town hidden in the mountains. A Druuge tower city to the south-west.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Arne, I'm going to point you in the direction of Lukipela's Otherwhen Odyssee. It's set in pretty much exactly the sort of world you're trying to come up with - perhaps an opportunity for collaboration beckons?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
Hey this looks like fun- especially when I'm also a sucker for sprite games and making sprites (do you have some sort of process to which you draw/pixel them? Finding how artists sprite as such is usually hard to find save for replicating certain styles from ripped sprites in old games)
Perhaps having the game set on a slave shielded world would in some ways limit the exploration and races arriving to said planet- as everyone would have had to piledrive there for some shoehorned reason before being shielded off. I guess you could explain it by having some sort of precursor tech superweapon but to stave off RPG cliches (especially those of the JRPG which do not/find it extremely hard to innovate) I'd probably go for something else. Slave shields also are red (at least the Ur-Quan/Spathi retro engineered ones and give the environment on the surface a dull red from the light and thus this would mess around with palletes?).
Perhaps have it like some sort of Dyson Sphere? With the fall of the Ur-Quan sphere of influence an age of exploration starts as a gold rush of venture captains and their motley crews start exploring the galaxy (Star Control only really exists as an entity thanks to Zelnick, this doesn't stretch to corporations or mercs that could leave after the Earth slave shield fell?). Eventually ships go missing in this particular sector which starts a frenzy of curiosity- many blame Kohr-Ah but they can't really find evidence of them being there, raises more questions, etc.
So anyways more ships arrive upon this whole Dyson Sphere (that probably has a cloaking device that uncloaks whenever something is in range to prevent it being found) that zaps whatever ship approaching it inside that gets too close a la Star Trek TNG's "Relics" and they find themselves unable to get out. Thus you could have individual ships that were just minding their own business until *zap* and they end inside (so you have a bunch of alien types/classes there as well as explorers/military patrols etc). Fortunately the interior of the sphere contains a bunch of worlds that are very habitable and thus the search to escape (or remain/use it as a base of ops/claim it) begins as well as asking who built it.
Some idea anyway, could be interesting whilst also keeping it solar system bound (restricting all races from their faction support, putting everyone on equal terms) whilst introducing solar system battles, the ships of Star Control and diplomatic intrigue. You could choose your race but your interactions would change depending if you decided to go rogue or stick to the tenets of your race/faction, etc. Intact spaceships from the outside are ultra-valuable and can't be worth losing as they can serve as ad-hoc colony ships/flagships for some races as they try to establish a foothold in the system. Perhaps the New Alliance and Hierarchy are different factions, then you have the Unaligned ones that band together? A sort of RPG with Strategy and such if you will with an atmosphere of isolation, colonization, mining and mystery (whilst being able to include all the races with a bit of thought).
« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 08:59:12 pm by Elerium »
Posts: 520

A Dyson Sphere would be immense. I suppose it could be done with proc-gen, but I dunno. It feels too big.
It's sort of difficult to come up with a solid reason for the mixing of aliens on a planet. My three main ideas were:
1. It's Arilou's mysterious experiment or 'ark' planet.
2. It's Zex's zoo planet.
3. An Ur-Quan science team (green?) is studying the potential of the involved aliens, coexistence, predisposition, and stuff like that. The team arrived centuries before present, abducted a bunch of aliens and life forms, left them with little technology on a backwater planet.
Zoom to almost present.
When the player's party is powerful enough to defeat a dummy quest/boss that the Ur-Quan had set up, the Ur-Quan left in a monitoring station is convinced that the aliens of this sector can become too powerful and dangerous to the Ur-Quan (something which it already sort of knew). The Ur-Quan decides to purge the planet, ending the experiment, sending it's recommendation to the Ur-Quan HQ something. Perhaps the green one is now more convinced the black ones are right with their cleansing policy. The last report it sent just recommended standard slave shielding + technology reset (and battle thrall potentials).
However, the player's party gets a chance (enabled by an Arilou warping in?) to surprise the Ur-Quan stationed on the planet. It ends with the Ur-Quan killed, no one ever finding out about the planet, and a Chmmr and Mmrnmhrm starting the work on cracking the slave shield. To their help they have some of the Ur-Quan's equipment (which it attempted to destroy with its dying breath).
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 11:45:56 am by Arne »
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