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Posts: 127
When it comes to their reaction to the destruction of the Sa-Matra - I don't think it's really easy to say for sure what they would or wouldn't do. Even more than the Yehat, the Ur-Quan have gone for millenia without any foe achieving a military victory over them apart from each other - they were the military arm of the Dnyarri slave empire, and the fall of the Milieu didn't come about through military conquest. Both paths are based upon the assumption that the Ur-Quan will be able to beat anything they encounter in a conflict of ships and weapons - and if that assumption falls down against a foe that doesn't allow them to escape, then suddenly they could be the ones facing a choice of slave-shielding, thralldom, or destruction. The destruction of their Great Prize and defeat of their fleets by an alliance might be enough of a shock to their system that, with careful diplomacy, an avoidance of any intimation that they be put into a subservient role, and possibly the reappearance of the Taalo (or at least mention of how close the Taalo came to saving them), I could see the Ur-Quan coming around to the idea of an alliance that has the strength of multiple races being potentially a better defence than domination.
You certainly make some good points here. Personally, I have a hard time believing the Ur-Quan would just give up and join the Alliance because they got defeated and lost the Sa-Matra. I would expect them to retreat, rally and possibly set aside the Doctrinal War temporarily to deal with this sector. If the Taalo still live, however, their reappearance could go a long way to bridging the gap between the Hierarchy and the Alliance. (And, IIRC, one of the interviews with TFB did mention that the Taalo continue to exist, in some form.)