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Posts: 129
Hello fellows,
I have been visiting this forum a long time ago. I thought to visit it again, and amusingly enough, I am still logged in after all this time. XD Well, you probably already know why I have come to visit this forum again(for those of you who remember me). Yes, I am working on yet another new game. The game is called "Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh Against the Gods". It's a very similar game in concept to SC, because it is inspired by Archon. And Archon have similareties to SC. Another thing is, unlike Archon, in Sumerian Blood every unit has it's own unique attack. Which is a lot more similar to SC in that sense. This video show all the special attacks in Gilgamesh's army.
This video show a ((35 minutes) match.
The game will run on both the PC and Android, and you will be even able to play a match in Android device against a PC(via network). To be honest, it's extremly hard for me to get gamers interested in my game. I have some fellow indie developers who play the game with me, but not gamers. My games have never been succesful, but I still keep trying.
By the way, you can download the free alpha at:
Cheers, Ofer