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Question: |
Do you believe that aliens are monitoring earth?
Yes |
  3 (13.6%) |
No |
  6 (27.3%) |
Probably |
  1 (4.5%) |
Probably not |
  9 (40.9%) |
Maybe |
  3 (13.6%) |
Total Voters: 22 |
Topic: Do you believe that aliens are monitoring earth? (Read 11733 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
I'm not sure I want aliens to be monitoring Earth. If they were, if/when they eventually revealed themselves, the result would have to be fairly major shakeups in the whole of society, and I really can't be bothered to deal with stuff like that.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Be careful not to let your wishes affect your beliefs.
Posts: 802

Good advice in any field and situation.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
One data point establishes very little about what isn't possible. In engineering, that's what you're mainly concerned with - you need to establish that certain bad things will not happen (i.e. device failure). Whenever the question is instead, 'what can happen', a single data point can be very illuminating.
Turn it around, thinking like, you have one measurement of a bridge collapsing due to some effect that only applies to that design of bridge. You aren't going to want to use this measurement to prove other bridges won't collapse, but you can definitely use it to establish that they can. Now suppose you only ever learned about this style of bridge because this one collapsed and the locals called you in to look into the matter, and you have no idea how many other bridges of this sort are out there. Maybe there are lots of them out there that don't collapse. Maybe there are lots of other bridges, and a lot of them collapsed, and this is just the first time they called you about it.
Bridge collapse, in this case, is analogous to the development of sapient life. You definitely know it can happen (it did), but you don't know how widespread the conditions necessary for it are, and you don't know how likely they are given those conditions.
Thanks, I knew I had something turned the wrong way around in my brain.
What's up doc?
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
It was hard for me to pick between maybe and probably, but I couldn't pick yes (nor no) for certain. I think there's a decent chance we're being watched to some extent, but I can't say that for sure. It's just my personal opinion mostly. I could be right or I could be wrong. There's a little, tiny bit of evidence to support my opinion, but nothing 100% concrete.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
Crap... I used to have a list of UFO cases that seemed very interesting to me, but I don't seem to be able to find it anymore.
But anyway, here are some...
Some of them aren't that great, but a few of those are really good. Especially this one...
I'm not saying 100% of UFO reports are true. I just don't think the subject gets fair acknowledgement. You can't learn about the unknown by dismissing it. People pick their side and stick with it. Some see Venus and think an alien invasion has begun. Many other people assume aliens can't reach this planet based on what we know. But there are lots of things we just don't yet know about the universe. And there are ways that aliens could theoretically reach us that we just don't have the technology to make happen ourselves.
Here's a piece of evidence that (probably?) has nothing to do with UFOs....
Here's another one like that....
Of course, there are also the discoveries of a bunch of potentially habitable planets.
Like I said, nothing 100% concrete, but there are some interesting bits of information out there.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 01:00:18 pm by grayfox7777 »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

I used to watch UFO files quite a bit and there very well be somthing to some of those cases. I am, however, skeptical of any claim made by anyone about pretty much everything. Wether it's bigfoot and ufo sightings to naturalistic claims of the origin of life. Skepticisim is healthy in my book and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I have yet to see strong, compelling evidence for any UFO case though.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Wait. You think that suggesting that life spontaneously arose N billion years ago is an extraordinary claim, as opposed to the notion that life was intentionally created?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

I think both are extrordinary claims and simply that the evidence (at this point at least) favors the latter. I believe in intelligent evolution. I refrain from using "intelligent design" anymore becuase people get the wrong idea and think I'm talking about a diety. Bees and birds exhibit intelligent design in how they build their nests but there is nothing supernatural about what they do. Likewise I think the evidence points toward somthing a bit beyond natural selection as an explanation for all aspects of biology. Especially when it comes to life's origin.
That said, I don't want to get into a huge discussion about this because it makes some of the mods here angry.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 01:43:31 am by RTyp06 »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
So... where did those intelligences come from?
It's not going to be any more likely than our arising in the first place, unless it's supernatural, and that's horribly undefined. It doesn't actually explain anything!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to RTyp06.
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