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Topic: You may pass various command line options... (Read 2668 times)
Guy Perkal
How do I do that?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, go to your friendly neighborhood command line (*nix, inlcuding BSD, Linux, and Mac OS X: a terminal window. Windows: emulated DOS)
go to the directory containing 'uqm'. Type 'uqm --help' and hit enter. This will summarize options. For example: "uqm --cscan pc" will substitute words for the bizarre 3D0 symbols you see on the planet scan screen.
On a macintosh, you will need to activate uqm from further out the directory tree in order for it to find the content. For example, I need to issue the command "Ur-Quan\ --help" to see the command line options. I imagine that there could (but not necessarily) be a similar displacement in other systems.
If you are running Windows and wish to simply use the "run..." start menu option, you will have to provide the explicit path. I do not know whether you will be able to receive text responses (like those returned by "--help")
FYI, here are the options supported on my version: The Ur-Quan Masters v0.13 (compiled 02/04/03 23:04:41)
Options: -r, --res=WIDTHxHEIGHT (default 640x480, bigger works only with --opengl) -d, --bpp=BITSPERPIXEL (default 16) -f, --fullscreen (default off) -o, --opengl (default off) -a, --openal (default off) -c, --scale=mode (bilinear, biadapt or biadv, default is none) -s, --scanlines (default off) -p, --fps (default off) -n, --contentdir=CONTENTDIR -M, --musicvol=VOLUME (0-100, default 100) -S, --sfxvol=VOLUME (0-100, default 100) -T, --speechvol=VOLUME (0-100, default 100) -q, --audioquality=QUALITY (high, medium or low, default medium) -u, --nosubtitles The following options can take either '3do' or 'pc' as an option: -m, --music : Music version (default 3do) --cscan : coarse-scan display, pc=text, 3do=hieroglyphs (default 3do) --menu : menu type, pc=text, 3do=graphical (default 3do) --font : font types and colors (default pc) --scroll : ff/frev during comm. pc=per-page, 3do=smooth (default pc)
one last note: many of these are double-dashes. Pay attention to the length, or copy/paste.
NOTE: as of last evening, no longer the #1 poster.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2003, 07:59:58 pm by Death_999 »
Guy Perkal
Pages: [1]