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Topic: Kickstarter? (Read 34491 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

I think he's composing a sentence-looking thing of words he doesn't understand, like: "illegally", "internet", "everything", "technically", "coding", "rights", "officially", "suing"
Admiral Zeratul
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 223

I enjoy overthinking things.
You are obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I fully expect you to disregard this post and continue the circus act that you have chosen to call "giving us advice". Nevertheless, here it goes. Perhaps it will provide someone else reading this thread some amusement.
I'm done with this site anyway, I only came here for a couple questions.
I think he's composing a sentence-looking thing of words he doesn't understand, like: "illegally", "internet", "everything", "technically", "coding", "rights", "officially", "suing"
I think it means I was right to be cautious and confused and that you can suck a cock. What happened to being done with this site? This only confirms my belief that you are trolling.
Besides, when I read your posts on this topic, the word "cautious" is the last thing that comes to mind. There are only so many times you can claim ignorance. After being repeatedly rebuked, you have not ceased your highly obnoxious behavior. Every rude remark you receive at this point is entirely warranted. In fact, I commend the others responding to your nonsense for their patience.
In other words, you are wrong. Dead wrong. The English language as a whole is insignificant to describe just how wrong you are. Even if I did take the effort to do so in full, the meaning would be lost in transmission. Rather, I take solace in the fact that people like you are rare. Very few trolls achieve the level of comical ignorance that you have.
Priority override. New behavior dictated. Must break post into component ideas.
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