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Topic: "Juffo-Wup fills my fibers and I grow turgid... Violent action ensues." (Read 4668 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 8
I was 9 when the 3DO came out and unfortunately labor laws in the U.S. prevented me from getting a job that could buy such a relatively pricey system. My hardcore nerd-love for video games had to make do with the 16-bit systems my single mom could afford.
Still, from time to time, I would read about this game "Star Control II". I think it was Gamepro that had this great write-up about it (in a top-10 list maybe?) Anyway, it really sold me on this game I thought I would never get to play.
Fast forward to now and I've just beaten the single-player, I loved every second of it, and my Thradash has officially made a grown man cry (at least once that I know of, though he could still lay awake at night, thinking about it and sobbing himself to sleep.)
So yeah, if anyone reading my post had anything to do with this port, may Ra the sun god bless you. No, but seriously?
It's been a long time since I've had to update my top-3 list. But Ur Quan's apparently like the Breaking Bad of video games: If you've actually played/watched it, it's instantly in your top-3. There's rarely anyone who've I've shown Super Melee to that didn't become absorbed by it's physics. Usually to the point where they actually want to win and they'll start cursing and, like I mentioned, crying and anyway it's not pretty. But it always ends with them determined to download the game and practice, which was of course all part of my diabolical plan.
I've turned so many of my friends into Ur Quan fiends that we're thinking of starting a league. We're playing it on a cracked Wii with a nice big flatscreen and the only thing keeping me from inviting them back over is, with all of those guys cursing and sobbing so loudly in one confined space, I'm pretty sure my neighbors are gonna start calling the cops.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
I'd like to direct you to #uqm-arena on Freenode if you'd like to play SuperMelee over the Internet with other Star Control fans. It's not horribly active, but you can usually get a game if you show up at a good time. has some more information about Netmelee in general.
Zebranky food
Posts: 8
@JudgeYohance: Indeed. At this point, I'm Googling "DIY sound-proofing" to see if that'll help to keep my neighbors from thinking I'm either a sex-slave trafficker or some kind of cenobite.
My friends aren't generally very loud people but Super Melee seems to bring that out in everyone. I think it's the combination of the physics and the fleet-style combats system. You know, Umgah punked your Earthling? Here's an Orz to ruin the party. Oh, you brought out your Orz? Well allow me to introduce my murder-factory. They're called the Kor-Ah...
Eventually, people start talking shit and whipping out Androsynths and Chmmmrs. And then things get REALLY dirty...
It's very fun, though you wouldn't know that from all the swear words and panicked shouting.
@Oldlaptop: Thanks. I've been meaning to check that out. It'd be nice to test my fleet against people who have actually been playing the game longer than me. Honestly, it's awesome that an online PvP is even available. Too awesome to not use it.
And I plan on it. Just as soon as my new provider quits being an R-tard and gets me hooked back up. As it is, I've been without internets (besides the phone I'm typing this on, obviously) for about 3 days now...
It's getting pretty ugly. I'm like THIS close to going Mad Max, I swear to god. But anyway, I promise I'll bring it as soon as I'm able and await the glorious ass-beating I shall receive as a total noob.
Hey, you wanna join the gang? You gotta get jumped in. That's just how it is.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 01:03:54 am by Venkman »
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