Zebranky food

Posts: 8

Interestingly, the original music came from a contest due to budgetary constraints. Here's a cool piece of history, posted on the primordial internet:
To: All MOD musicians From: Paul Reiche III, Toys for Bob Re: Call for cool .mod files! Date: 12 March, 1992
Hi! My name is Paul Reiche, and I am the designer of Star Control and the yet-to-be-released 'Star Control II - The Ur-Quan Masters'. The sequel is an epic role-playing experience where you explore a vast region of space, and can meet, converse and/or fight with over 20 alien races. Fred Ford and I (Fred's the programmer) have worked hard to make this product fun, beautiful, and technically ground-breaking, the latter of which prompts this appeal. When we began developing sound and music technology, we noticed that synthesized sound hardware for the IBM PC has been pretty much stagnant since the Adlib standard was established, while the digitized technology has just gotten better and better. Therefore, we decided to go totally digital, and we now possess the capacity to play 4 digital channels simultaneously out of virtually anything you can hook-up to a PC. For music, we decided to use the Amiga standard .MOD file format.
THE PROBLEM We need about 35 musical themes for our game, and are having a difficult time finding MOD composers here in California who can produce the music we need.
THE SOLUTION? We are calling for MOD creators across the world to send us their best efforts, and from the hundreds - dare I say thousands - of MODS submitted we will select the themes we need. The authors whose MODS we use will receive $50 US, credit within the product, plus a copy of the game when it is published. The best MOD we get will be worth $500!
DETAILS The MODS need to be original and the property of the composer, less than 70,000 bytes long, and work well as background music for: conversations with aliens, travelling through hyperspace, or interplanetary exploration. MODs should be 3-5 minutes and loop nicely.
To submit a MOD, send it on an Amiga or IBM disk to:
Star Control II MOD Contest c/o Paul Reiche III, Toys For Bob 1602 Grant Ave, #207 Novato, CA 94947 USA
The deadline for submissions is 30 April, 1992, and winning MODs will be selected immediately thereafter. All entrants will receive a notice identifying the selected MOD files. We do NOT require exclusive use for use of any MODs we need.
Thanks for your time just reading this long message!
Paul Reiche III
P.S. MODs need not be new creations, just cool, in fact, there are some on the net now we would like to use if we can get permission from the authors. These are: STSOA.MOD, DEMON.MOD, NECRON.MOD, BACARDI.MOD, PAR.MOD PUSH.MOD, UP_FRONT.MOD, and NO_TRIALS.MOD.