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Topic: My addons updated for 0.7 (Read 3667 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Not all of those links work, redalert for example, there is nothing to download, just a browse and search box appears...?
Posts: 817
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 05:54:50 pm by Defender »
Zebranky food

Posts: 13
Damn, links not working. Really wanted that fourth remix pack as it seems the official one is never coming. Still have to figure out how to replace the music for Fwiffo and post-Ultron Utwig though and I guess changing the battle music just for one race is not possible.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 11:41:09 am by Lokik »
Zebranky food

Posts: 13
Thanks, mate! Seems that this pack also has the Fwiffo and Ultron remixes as well, sweet. Looking forward to some of the other addons as well.
Edit: Ok, I'm starting to feel pretty stupid, but how do you make the pack work? I thought it would be enough to just put the zip file to /content/addons/. Needs to be renamed or something?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 03:11:33 pm by Lokik »
Posts: 817
unzip folder to:
content/addons/3doremix/4/ *.ogg
I have my remix packs all located in a single folder named 3doremix. In that folder I have 4 folders named 1-4. Folder 4 contains the unofficial .ogg remixes. Folders 1-3 are the official released remix packs. Change: * = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix/4/ *.ogg To: * = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/ *.ogg Place all the *.ogg files in 3doremix4 folder. Place this folder in addons. Add "--addons 3doremix4" command to your shortcut.
If you locate your content zip "uqm-0.7.0-content", and inside you'll find a file called uqm.rmp. Use this to help create your own overrides to place in the addons folder. open with notepad or alternative text editor.
I took and mixed all my addons into a single folder and used a single command --addons myaddons. I need to sort through that folder and make individual addons for all the content I have listed in my first post. I didn't realize how short lived that upload site was. When I'm done sorting this out I will make sure it lasts
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 06:02:03 pm by Defender »
Zebranky food

Posts: 13
Thanks, but just to (hopefully) make everything crystal clear to me: 1. The changes to "* = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix/4/ *.ogg" are done in the remix4.rpm file? 2. After I place all the .ogg files to addons/3doremix4/, in which folder should the remix4.rpm be in? 3. Does the 3doremix4 folder need to be changed into a .zip/.uqm file?
So far adding --addons 3doremix4 to the shortcut gives me an error message "invalid option or its argument". Did you mean "--addon 3doremix4" ?
My addons/3doremix4/ folder now contains only the .ogg files from the remix pack and remix4.rpm is in addons folder. The three official remix packs I have left untouched so far and they sit in addons as well.
Thanks in advance for your help and patience.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 05:10:21 pm by Lokik »
Zebranky food

Posts: 13
It works now! Thanks a lot, mate! Although I had to make some additional changes to the .rpm file, as it looked like this: = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/chmmr/ (why the extra folder, and .org on this and the following ones?) = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/orz/ = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/pkunk/ = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/shofixt/ = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/spathi/ = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/supox/ = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/utwig/.org (another strange mistake) = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/zoqfot/.org (the same) = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/syrenn.ogg (I guess it's meant to be syreen.ogg) = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/yehat.ogg = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/ music.hyperspace = MUSICRES:addons/3doremix4/hyper.ogg
After correcting those it started working. 
I wasn't able to check if all the tracks work, but at least the Hyperspace, Orz, Syreen and Spathi work, so I guess the rest will as well. Later I'll check if I can use this to change the Kohr-Ah music as well.
One minor gripe is that it gives Fwiffo's StarRunner as a track for all Spathi ships, while the Safe Ones seem to have the original unremixed version. There also seems to be no text line for the which is included in the remix pack, so I guess that doesn't work.
Is there a way to find out what is the "" for the Spathi Safe Ones, Fwiffo (I believe he can have his own track if wanted?) and the post-Ultron Utwig?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 01:41:37 pm by Lokik »
Joseph Collins
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

Lv. 32 Black Spathi Dagger
I really hate to necro-bump, especially since this is my first post on this account (my old account was either purged, or I've completely forgotten what it was), but this is kind of what I came here for...
How much trouble would it be for someone to upload the "Yellow FRIED for 0.7" mod? I ask because I couldn't figure out how to make the old version work, despite following the the "shadow file" instructions on the wiki fairly closely. Filedropper has dropped the file. (Ba-dum tish.) I'd be extremely grateful if someone could do that. As cool as the blue flame bursts of the F.R.I.E.D. are, the yellow ones are definitely more authentic.
Thanks in advance.
Well, I feel dumb now. The reason my version wasn't working? I forgot to add "addons/" to the directory structure in the RMP file... Don'cha hate it when that happens?
In any case, it's working now. If anyone wants it, you can grab it from here. I doubt my version is much, if any different than Defender's. (Though I did rename some files from the original original version.)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 06:20:33 am by Doc Lithius »
Posts: 522

Oh, I vaguely recall trying (and failing, I think) to get this to work... though I gave up pretty easily, since I don't really have a reason to prefer it.
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