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Author Topic: Slylandro expansion  (Read 15491 times)
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Slylandro expansion
« on: February 20, 2003, 02:12:31 pm »

Ok, dunno if there wil be any discussion at all about this, but it's something I just suddenly thought of... The Slylandro rreally have the best of worlds don't they? Assuming they ever get off it (Presumably with the help of the Alliance, nice guys that we are), there are countless planets for them to settle. they don't have to compete with anyone else, becasue noone else CAN settle a gas Giant, or at least noone else nearby... So they have a pretty rosy future don't they?

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2003, 03:45:49 pm »

Also, gas giants are huge (obviously), so with even one or two more, the Slylandro would have enormous amounts of space.

Of course, this raises the question: how many Slylandro are there, anyway? Unless they're absolutely huge, that means there ought to be space on their homeworld for... ah, wait a minute... let me calculate... uh... uh... uh... That means there ought to be space on their homeworld for... A WHOLE MESS OF THOSE THINGS!

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2003, 05:18:49 pm »

Well, actually, the Sylandro only have the best of ONE world, since they can't leave it ^_^

In addition, only a narrow band of the atmosphere is hospitable to the Sylandro - too high and they pop, too deep and they're squished.

Aside from the fact that there are no readily availalbe mineral deposits, Sylandro that festoon themselves with too many solid objects plummet to their depths (deaths).

Also, even if the Sylandro DO manage to leave the planet (perhaps they were "uplifted"), it might be pretty difficult to sustain atmospheric conditions neccessary to their life functions onboard a spaceship floating in a vaccuum (I say this with some reservation because for all I know, they might be floating in a part of the atmosphere that is similar to Earth at sea level...)

Even if the Sylandro manage to find other gas giants, there is no guarantee that the physical and chemical conditions of those gas giants would fit their requirements. And since they can't cultivate farms or the like, they would have to seed the entire planet with the airborne plankton they feed on first.

Lastly, there is nothing to say that the other gas giants may not have life of their own, either - it's just that none of them have Hyperwave Casters ^_^

You know who I think have it made? The Mycon. They can survive in a vaccuum as well as numerous (hostile) environmental conditions, and furthermore, they can turn planets into worlds suitable for themselves. Furthermore, since they carry all the memory of their race in their genetic code, the individuals never really "die". 'Course, the Mycon are pretty fugged up, and could use a couple hundred sessions with a psychiatrist and some electro-shock therapy ^_^

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2003, 08:51:54 pm »

Well, they CAN control their own movements to some degree... Look at those pictures, they're flipping around all the time.

I tend to agree, though - gas giants can have the wrong mixture of gases... but there are a lot of gas giants, and it wouldn't be all that hard to, you know, ask that second probe to check out gas giant atmospheres. Something like
Priority 2.5: examine atmospheres of nearby gas giants not previously examined.
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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2003, 09:05:17 pm »

NEMT - congratulations on the user Tongue now we can bug you directly Wink

About the Slylandro - did you ever think what happend to the Hyperwave 'Caster they said the Shaggy Ones (or was it the Chenjesu?) put on their moon? and how did they use it exactly?
I'm sure that it'd be easier to create a suitable environment on a spaceship for them, exactly like each race has its requirements met on their own vessel. (every race builds its starship accordingly - Mycon, Orz, Supox, Eathlings and on and on)

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2003, 01:07:42 am »

...and it wouldn't be all that hard to, you know, ask that second probe to check out gas giant atmospheres. Something like Priority 2.5: examine atmospheres of nearby gas giants not previously examined.

This thought brought up the human condition when I read it.  The main drive for human space development, or the journey into space, is driven by the fact that one day we may find a planet not unlike our own Earth.  The thing about the Slylandro probes is that they do not have this function as a priority, and instead seek to learn about alien species...

I think if the Slylandro were interested in going anywhere, or leaving the threat of an exploding sun, etc. (something unlikely since they have lived many a drahn and not encountered such a problem) they would have had the probe search this priority.  I think they're pretty content where they are, learning about aliens in their comfortable gas planet atmosphere.

To me, if the Slylandro had a sphere of influence, or a fleet of any size, it would defeat the neutral and informative purpose of the race and would ensure they would need to be involved with interstellar politics; something I believe the Slylandro are not interested in getting their gaseous baggy selves tangled up in...  it's a messy galaxy out there!

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2003, 01:49:48 am »

Hyperwave 'Caster they said the Shaggy Ones (or was it the Chenjesu?) put on their moon?

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2003, 04:04:32 am »

Think about it, all they would need is a starbase that could build ships that they could build a fleet of colony ships and "friendly" probes.

how did they get the materials to make the devices that sank them to the depths? if they cant go down into the depths to get it?

how old is that hyperwave caster they have? can you think of anything the human race has built that would last that long?

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2003, 08:23:16 pm »

how did they get the materials to make the devices that sank them to the depths? if they cant go down into the depths to get it?

Actually, since the Slylandro and other life on their planet seem to have at least some solid components (the "gas bags" would need some sort of "skin"), one could speculate that the devices they built were made (for example) from the deflated carcasses of whatever happened to have died nearby, sort of like our early weapons and tools were made from bones.

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2003, 09:47:59 pm »

I always thought the Slylandro were good candidates for expansion, because they sent out the probes. They are hugely interested in other races, in how the universe works, all that kind of stuff. So thery sent out the probes to find out. I think they'd like it even more to go out and have a look for themselves.

Voldenuit, if you read the beginning odf the read a bit more carefully you'l lsee that I didn't say the Slylandro would build their own ships, I said the Alliance would rpobably help them. And once they hae a few ships and mining droids well.. noone said they have to bring it all down to the planet did they? Space is the best place for Spaceships...

Good points bout the different chemical compounds of gas giants. But perhaps it'd be possible to "terraform" at least parts of the planet for them? i mean, ppl are always talking bout bases on the moon and such, but without a vcontroleld enviroment we don't really last that long on the moon either, for all that it's similar to our world.

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2003, 11:11:12 pm »

how old is that hyperwave caster they have? can you think of anything the human race has built that would last that long?

Well, if it is located on the moon (I don't recall) and they can control it remotely, then it could survive for eons as long as its batteries didn't run out (assuming there's no atmosphere on said moon).  If it was solar powered or something else rechargeable it would be fine.  The only thing to worry about would by extreme cosmic radiation, but if it was properly shielded then that wouldn't be a concern either.

It would be any controls located on their planet that they'd have to worry about; but perhaps the Shaggy Ones made this very simple and made of extremely light synthetics and taught them how to fix it/make a new one if it ever broke.
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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2003, 12:06:51 am »

meteor impacts, and bit rot would be the main concernes for me - over time, something could screw up the antenna (or whatever it has). And simple thermal activity could screw around with the electronics over a long period of time... chances are, the precurors didn't think it would need to work after five or six Drahn... but then again, they seem to have always built to LAST.
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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2003, 12:56:16 am »

The univerese is a dangerous place sometimes. No matter the conditions on that moon, it's still an impressevie feat to keep the Caster going that long. still, I think in the long run the Slylandro would prefer not to be dependent on their one caster

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2003, 05:16:12 pm »

No one answered my question though; What happend to the Slylandro caster, that was installed on their moon?

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Re: Slylandro expansion
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2003, 06:57:05 pm »

Well, seeing as they can talk to us, I'm assuming it's still there, although hidden so that dumb hominids cant steal it.

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