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Author Topic: Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012  (Read 2046 times)
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Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012
« on: September 06, 2012, 11:15:18 pm »


Saturday 8th or Sunday 9th of September 2012


Here is how I found the various local times in case anyone's wondering.

* 15:00 Los Angeles
* 16:00 Denver
* 17:00 Chicago
* 18:00 New York
* 23:00 London
* 00:00 Amsterdam/Paris
* 01:00 Helsinki/Jerusalem
* 02:00 Moscow
* 08:00 Sydney
* 10:00 Auckland


#UQM-Arena on irc:// If you don't know how any of this stuff works, this thing may be of use to you.

[Tournament Rules]

1) The game is played using Shiver's Balance Mod (2.04 for UQM 0.7.0)
2) There is a maximum fleet size of 200 points for all players.
3) Do not use more than one of any of the 30-point ships (You can have a Chmmr, a Kohr-Ah and an Ur-Quan, but not two Chmmrs). Other duplicates are allowed.
4) The "stalemate breaker" rule is in effect. There has been confusion regarding this numerous times, so here is the rule in its verbose entirety:


Rule: In the spirit of competition, both players should employ whatever tactics they consider most effective. This may result in a stalemate at some point. If so, the faster of the two ships becomes a designated attacker. The attacker does not necessarily have to make a bee-line directly for the defender, but they are required to take the initiative.

Explanation: Stalemates are bound to happen. We found this rule to be a relatively painless solution. The decision to use speed as a stalemate-breaker did not significantly reduce the effectiveness of Star Control's fastest ships. As it turned out, the most mobile combatants were best suited to withstand such a penalty.

[Tournament Structure]

Players will be paired against each other at random. The tournament will consist of three rounds using Swiss tournament rules, meaning that you will play against other defeated players if you lose a match. There will be an additional final round between undefeated contestants if a clear winner has not emerged.

If the player turn-out is low, everyone will play against everyone else once.

If there aren't enough players for a tournament the date will be considered as a meet-up during which we hope to see even new faces.

This is a honorary tournament in memory of Sideways, one of our most active and skillful net melee players, and also a great person and good friend.

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 10:26:39 pm »

Random or chosen ships?
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 03:45:02 am »

The tournament included 5 people, and was thus made into a Round Robin of 4 games per player. The games were done in about two hours and things rolled relatively painlessly. There were a few connection issues, but these were solved somewhat. Unfortunately the Balance Mod desynch bug turned out to really not be eliminated after all, causing a few restarts. We'll have to focus on this after some rest.

The winner of tournament was Gekko!

1. Gekko 3/4
2. Shiver 3/4
3. Oldlaptop 2/4
4. Smashblade 2/4
5. mrcharmin 0/4

Round 1:

Gekko defeats mrcharmin by 82 points
Shiver defeats Smashblade by 62 points
Oldlaptop sits out

Round 2:

Gekko defeats Shiver by 94 points
Oldlaptop defeats mrcharmin by 44 points
Smashblade sits out

Round 3:

Oldlaptop defeats Gekko by 50 points
Smashblade defeats mrcharmin by 88 points
Shiver sits out

Round 4:

Shiver defeats Oldlaptop by 40 points with a halted game due to connections issues
Gekko defeats Smashblade by 70 points
mrcharmin sits out

Round 5:

Shiver defeats mrcharmin 84  by points
Smashblade defeats Oldlaptop by 40 points
Gekko sits out


1st place:
Gekko's fleet points: 196 (82 + 94 + 70 - 50)
Shiver's fleet points: 97 (62 + -94 + 40 + 89)

2nd place:
Oldlaptop's fleet points: 14 (44 + 50 -40 - 40)
Smashblade's fleet points: -4 (-62 + 88 - 70 + 40)

A duplicates tournament is always somewhat random and the outcome is never quite as clear as in traditional 200p no duplis. All sorts of fleets were seen: Ultra heavy, ultra light, balanced, overkill duplicates... It's hard to say what worked the best! We also had one old face returning on the arena as Smashblade arrived in time for the tournament. Shiver also decided to join in after being away for quite a while.

The tournament was interesting in the sense that no-one won all their games. I managed to defeat Shiver, but Oldlaptop won a highly even match against me with a Melnorme and damaged Chmmr remaining. Smashblade did surprisingly well, and I suspect he has been playing elsewhere secretly. Mrcharmin came out all zero this time.

Let us not forget the main theme of this small event: It was a tournament in honor of Sideways who we will always miss. If there is such a thing as afterlife, I hope you enjoyed the show.

Next up: Something completely different in a few weeks. Stay tuned!

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 10:04:23 pm »

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Why don't all races have point defense lasers?

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2012, 11:02:23 am »

Now that I'm around again, I will play in the next tournament.

... and school your butts.
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Why don't all races have point defense lasers?

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2012, 05:46:38 am »

What were their fleets? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament, 8th/9th of September 2012
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2012, 08:19:26 am »

What were their fleets? Inquiring minds want to know.

I don't really remember. I know someone had like 5 Chenjesus, but that didn't work too well for him. I don't even recall what I used, but I think it was a light setup.

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