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Author Topic: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!  (Read 8019 times)
Zebranky food
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With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:59:23 pm »

Hello fellow "Ur-Quan Master" fans.  

Here are some "Ur-Quan Master" ships recreated in Lego

These are a series of Lego Star Control ships made by me (Glenbricker) and  Crashsanders.  

First off, we would love any feedback you have to give.  

Second, and here is the really really fun part.  We have posted these to a website called Lego Cuusoo.  Lego Cuusoo is a site where people submit ideas for Lego sets.  If 10,000 people support the idea, Lego will review the concept and might produce it.

Here is the Cuusoo Link:

I KNOW there are 10,000 fans of Star Control / Ur Quan masters.  I know there are a lot of fans who want to PROVE that there is a fan base BIG enough to make new Star Control/ Ur-Quan Master games to come about.  Well, here is our chance.  In a very media friendly environment we can support this idea and show our love of this epic game.  

When you support, please leave a comment as commented projects get more attention.  

Please also help by tweeting the link and liking it on Facebook (links to both are on the Cuusoo project) and any any other social networking sites you might have.  Tell your old friends that you used to play Star Control with in high school two decades ago.  

There is also a reddit posting here: if you would like to vote it up.

If you are into pinterest then you can even repin the image here

IF you don't like what you see PLEASE give us feedback.  This is a living project.  We will be adding more ships and minfigs and building the more inhuman species like the Illwrathi, Ur-Quan, and Spathi.  

So come back and check on it form time to time (or follow on twitter to hear about updates)

Even if you don't like Lego or care for this at all.  Even if Lego turns down the project, We can use this to showcase the immense appeal of Star Control.  Minecraft as gotten 10,000 supports in 2 days.  Portals in a few more.  Lets show them that Star Control still has its fans and show Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III how much we still love the game.

Cheers and Thank you so much for your support!

I am here to beg for your support for Star Control but...while you are at Cuusoo, we would really appreciate it if you could take a look at our other Cuusoo projects and see if they are also worthy of your support:

My projects can be found here:

Crashsander's projects are listed here:
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 09:14:12 am by glenbricker » Logged
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 11:30:24 pm »

Wow, these look wonderful! About the only criticism I have is that the Torch could probably use bigger color-sphere things, although I suppose it's not without precedent to make them look smaller:


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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2012, 12:23:53 am »

Thanks for the feedback. 

What I tried several times to do was actually make the forward spheres smaller than the rear ones.  Lego has a limited number of options for spheres.  I tried very hard to preserve the forward red ones being smaller and closer  together than the rear ones but I decided I needed to walk away from the problem for a bit.  I am going to continue to work on it but building that small has limited options.  Then one day you just figure it out. 

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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2012, 03:17:56 am »

These are fantastic. I registered and added my vote.

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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2012, 08:16:40 am »

These look really neat. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what pieces you used to put that Torch together, since the entire top almost appears to be one specialized brick.

I especially like the X-Form, since it looks like the wings are hinged so it can actually transform (though that doesn't seem to be the case with the guns, sadly; maybe small turntables underneath the wings would work?).

I've never envisioned the Ilwrath Avenger having a hole in the back end like you've deisgned it, though. It always looked to me like there was some sort of module stuck in there, similar to the top of the Dreadnought.

These are some really small scale kits. Any plans to make bigger versions?
Zebranky food
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2012, 02:59:08 pm »

In this core picture of the Avenger or you can see through the ship in that area...either case...hole in the model

Cuusoo is about suggesting single sets, not themes.  So we could get 1 large Star Control vessel or a collection of small ones.  I think most people would prefer to get several different small ones that one ship that they might not care for.

But, it does not look like anyone is going to get anything at this rate.  52 people have viewed the project and support has only increased by about 4.

It's weird, the people who come here have been playing this game for decades!  Why not take the 3 minutes it takes to support the project.  At least take the 30 seconds it takes to explain why you are not supporting here.

Well, cheers. 
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2012, 04:22:57 pm »

In that case, you might want to check out Robert Seater's lego ships. They're smaller, more suitable for bundling in a multi-ship set.
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2012, 01:44:44 am »

But, it does not look like anyone is going to get anything at this rate.  52 people have viewed the project and support has only increased by about 4.

It's weird, the people who come here have been playing this game for decades!  Why not take the 3 minutes it takes to support the project.  At least take the 30 seconds it takes to explain why you are not supporting here.

Well, cheers. 

There's not that many people who come here anymore, sadly. My personal suspicion is that much of the fanbase do not even know about the fanbase, if that makes sense to you.

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Zebranky food
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2012, 03:39:12 am »

This is really cool, and if I had any faith what-so-ever in Lego as anything other than a real-life incarnation of the Druuge's Crimson Corporation, I'd be much more excited about it.  This is too interesting and obscure to ever catch their eye, even if it did manage 10,000 supporters.

You might try telling the folks over at Penny Arcade about your project; they're fans of Star Control.

This is similar to something I've done with Lego already (your idea is more practical from a production standpoint; and involves quite a bit more creativity!) -- this is a link to what I do in general, but my two favorites are right here:

-- they don't look like much big and up close like this, but from far away (say on a shelf or whatever) they look spectacular.  Over the last few years I've taken them to dozens of gaming / sci-fi / anime conventions that I sell 8 and 16-bit sculptures at, but so far, nobody has recognized or expressed any interest in these two Sad

For myself, I'm planning on making an Ur-Quan Kzer-Za captain portrait; it'll be over a foot wide and a little under a foot tall.  I'm sure someday I'll get around to making nearly every ship for my own personal collection of sculptures.

I'm very interested in seeing any additional designs you come up with, though... I'd love to see an Androsynth or, you know, the Sa-Matra Smiley

~ Nicholai
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2012, 03:22:29 pm »


Wait, on-topic. Yeah, Star Control LEGO would be pretty damn cool. It's an awesome building medium generally, I know a guy who plans out starship graphics with it.
Zebranky food
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2012, 05:26:41 am »

This is really cool, and if I had any faith what-so-ever in Lego as anything other than a real-life incarnation of the Druuge's Crimson Corporation, I'd be much more excited about it.  This is too interesting and obscure to ever catch their eye, even if it did manage 10,000 supporters.

You might try telling the folks over at Penny Arcade about your project; they're fans of Star Control.

This is similar to something I've done with Lego already (your idea is more practical from a production standpoint; and involves quite a bit more creativity!) -- this is a link to what I do in general, but my two favorites are right here:

-- they don't look like much big and up close like this, but from far away (say on a shelf or whatever) they look spectacular.  Over the last few years I've taken them to dozens of gaming / sci-fi / anime conventions that I sell 8 and 16-bit sculptures at, but so far, nobody has recognized or expressed any interest in these two Sad

For myself, I'm planning on making an Ur-Quan Kzer-Za captain portrait; it'll be over a foot wide and a little under a foot tall.  I'm sure someday I'll get around to making nearly every ship for my own personal collection of sculptures.

I'm very interested in seeing any additional designs you come up with, though... I'd love to see an Androsynth or, you know, the Sa-Matra Smiley

Great work on many levels.  Its sad nobody recognizes them...they look great to me.

Based on you obvious interest in Mega Man you might be interested in this other project (to look at and admire if not to support ) :

I have been mulling over the Androsynth for a while now.  I really want to get a variety of widths...I updated the picture to show the more recent additions.  I have a Jugger being rendered right now, so I should have that in a few hours.

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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2012, 07:12:13 pm »

Cool project.
Supported, now the count is up to 23  Roll Eyes.

Hope this will eventually get at least a few thousand more supporters...

...and keep it under Lightspeed!!!
Zebranky food
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2012, 07:37:06 pm »

Thanks for the support! 
Zebranky food
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2012, 01:18:06 am »

Just loaded up the Jugger and the Guardian
Zebranky food
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Re: With enough supporters these Ur-Quan ships could get produced!
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2012, 09:14:48 am »

And now the Mycon podship
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