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Topic: Modern Consoles (Read 1815 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 26
It seems insane that star control 2 can not be played on modern consoles. Why Not ? Who is to blame for this ?
Posts: 709

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I'm pretty sure there's a Wii port of UQM.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Yes, there is a Wii version. However, it requires a softmodded Wii and the Homebrew channel to run UQM. Unfortunately, Nintendo addressed the softmodding issue in their updates and it's more complicated to do this now. I think there was UQM for the original Xbox and PSP, but modding is still required.
To answer your question, you can blame "video game politics" and publishers for not having a modern version of Star Control 2 of modern consoles. Of all the HD remakes out there, why can't we have Star Control II HD? Speaking of HD, you should check out Project 6014.
TFB definitely can definitely pull it off, no doubt about it. In the end, it's the publishers who decide what they work on. With the success of Spyro's Adventure, TFB was given another chance to take it to the next level with Giants, which is getting rave reviews. It's nice to see that the senior TFB staff are getting more face time. If Giants is successful, you can definitely expect a third Skylanders game. All we can do now is hope that someday, Activision will allow them to create a new Intellectual Property; one that they have complete control over. Even if another developer made SC2HD for modern consoles, I'd buy it. As long as TFB approves, of course.
Posts: 709

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Honestly, personally, I don't think home consoles have much of a life left in the long-term. All consoles have today that personal computers don't (other than their selection of games, which I think will be lost eventually) is fancy control schemes.
Zebranky food

Posts: 26
So much work and thought and skill and imagination has been put into star control 2 . I cant imagine that anyone would ever put so much into a science fiction space game again. I still like playing ghouls and ghosts, Golden axe and road rash on my megadrive. I am on my first computer, a second hand lap top which i am learning to use. I hope computers do not kill consoles off. I like things that are specifically designed to play just games. Computers are a dangerous knightmare which has taken over are lives. I felt pressured to get a computer. Game consoles are pure fun. Any sequel to star control 2 will probably have less depth and quality and sci fi within it. I hope i can buy new copies of the game soon and a modern console to play it on.
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