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Author Topic: planet rendering site  (Read 1861 times)
Zebranky food
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planet rendering site
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:43:46 pm »


I just came along this site

after opening the ZIP it contains some nice square pictures like being on the surface on a Ur-qan planet ...
so i post it here and perhaps coders like it, or know it already ...
it contains real pictures of the SOL planets !! perhaps they give permission to use them !?!?!?!
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Re: planet rendering site
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 10:50:59 pm »

If you open up the .UQM files (they're just .ZIP files), you'll see there's no planet textures except for melee.

The planets in-game are generated.  They are not texture files but procedural graphics made by the computer..  The only thing pre-built are the planets for melee and the texture for Earth.  In project 6014 & the HD project we created Mars as a separate texture.  But you'll notice it doesn't show up when you land on the planet. 

We plan on creating the sol system using the actual imagery in the future.  Right now, the issue is more of a performance issue of roaming around a giant texture.

Here's some of the planets I've rendered for melee.


- Damon
Ur-Quan Masters HD Project leader/artist. Project 6014 Artist.  Like my art? Please check out some of my other artwork
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Re: planet rendering site
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2012, 04:02:11 am »

Wow, these are awesome-looking planets!

A few cents to throw in the ring:

Emerald World:  I echo comments there about this needing to look more crystalline somehow.  What would an emerald the size of a planet look like, after it had been pelted by asteroids for a few billion years?
[Edit:  Just saw the 'cracked' version on a later page; I like that one better.]

Treasure World:  This makes me think of sulfur rather than treasure.  Maybe it could look like a ball of gold ore; mostly rock with veins of silver and gold running through it?  As opposed to an Auric world, which would just be a big ball of gold.

Rainbow World:  Having the texture height determine the color makes it look like, well, a false-color altitude map.  Is is possible to de-correlate the texture from the color?  I imagine the rainbow worlds as planets where the precursor waste dumps have been mutating the landscape's color, or at least the apparent color as seen by sensors...sort of like they're covered in thermosensitive liquid crystal (  The texture would be like a rocky world, but the color would be like a heatmap with hotspots independent of the texture.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 04:08:06 am by Elestan » Logged
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Re: planet rendering site
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2012, 04:10:17 am »

You can easily make a variety of planet textures in photoshop with a 2:1 dimension ratio with a horizontal offset and a path healing and clone stamp to get rid of the line where the two sides meet, but what's better is photoshop has optimization features which are specifically for software which make the images take up less space. A lot of times you can cut an image's disk size by more than half and still have it looks exactly the same when viewed at 100% zoomed in or less.
If there was some way to attach images to posts I'd show the planets I made for fun.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 04:12:26 am by FakeMccoy » Logged
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Re: planet rendering site
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 04:31:56 am »

Wow, these are awesome-looking planets!

A few cents to throw in the ring:

Emerald World:  I echo comments there about this needing to look more crystalline somehow.  What would an emerald the size of a planet look like, after it had been pelted by asteroids for a few billion years?
[Edit:  Just saw the 'cracked' version on a later page; I like that one better.]

Treasure World:  This makes me think of sulfur rather than treasure.  Maybe it could look like a ball of gold ore; mostly rock with veins of silver and gold running through it?  As opposed to an Auric world, which would just be a big ball of gold.

Rainbow World:  Having the texture height determine the color makes it look like, well, a false-color altitude map.  Is is possible to de-correlate the texture from the color?  I imagine the rainbow worlds as planets where the precursor waste dumps have been mutating the landscape's color, or at least the apparent color as seen by sensors...sort of like they're covered in thermosensitive liquid crystal (  The texture would be like a rocky world, but the color would be like a heatmap with hotspots independent of the texture.

I take it you're talking about my planets?  Yeah, it's on my to do list.  Right now, I'm concentrating on getting Ur-Quan Masters HD out.  And since you will hardly ever come those planets in melee I'm not in a big rush to replace them.  Little bit of trivia...that rainbow planet is a real planet.  It's Venus. It's just a topographical map.  The colors represent different altitudes.

 I'll be releasing all the planets as a bundle next year, hopefully people on here will find cool uses for it.


- Damon
Ur-Quan Masters HD Project leader/artist. Project 6014 Artist.  Like my art? Please check out some of my other artwork
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Re: planet rendering site
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2012, 04:40:45 am »

Here's my planets I was talking about

The original image was 3.44MB. That image your viewing is about 554k. That's how good image optomization is.
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Re: planet rendering site
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2012, 05:19:11 am »

Amazing! Any chance we could use these in Project 6014 and Ur-Quan Masters HD?

- Damon
Ur-Quan Masters HD Project leader/artist. Project 6014 Artist.  Like my art? Please check out some of my other artwork
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Re: planet rendering site
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2012, 05:27:18 am »

Of course, I'd just need to fix them up, and I would need to be told the proper dimensions to make the 2:1 canvas size. It would take more time too if I need to make multiple versions of every planet for diversity. I also have the calculations done for a good chunk of the planets with mass and size and weather and gravity and ect.

I think it should also have some kind of lore or description of the planet too, which I have for a good chunk (really big for-fun project), like

Light Crystal world:
And exotic counterpart of the "Dark Crystal World", this world  has spontaneous outbursts of x-rays and seeming anti-gravity repulsion which is believed to fragment the surface.

Techtonics: Class 6                         Weather: Class 3
Radius: 3,320 km                             Volume: 1.55*10^11 km^3
Mass: Unknown                                Density:  Unknown
Accel from Grav.: 5.9m/s^2             Tilt: Unknown
Orbital Period: None                        Atmosphere: 0.2atm
Temperature: Unknown

There is one contradiction which is "Sky World", it kinda doesn't make sense, it implies it doesn't have a surface, but I was thinking more that it had high winds and floating islands like in Avatar, but magnetic world is already used up so I don't know what to call it.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 05:46:59 am by FakeMccoy » Logged
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