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Author Topic: Dnyarri  (Read 35299 times)
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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #45 on: February 25, 2003, 01:11:31 am »

I cannot tell wether you were mocking the idea or joking Huh
but im pretty sure they did not say that the dynarri got out but they didn't say he did not.

EDIT: got to love those double negatives
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 01:12:14 am by BioSlayer » Logged

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2003, 03:13:23 am »

No jokes, no mockings. Those lines really appear in the end of the PC version, and they're hilarious. And while they have no bearing on the subject, they are a welcome interdiction into the conversation, cause they are WAY funny. Especially the Kohr-Ah

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #47 on: February 25, 2003, 08:08:53 am »

now that iv read it a memory a faint one comes to me I remember. That was in the game i remember reading it.... i think

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #48 on: February 25, 2003, 09:37:56 am »

Dnyarri: So! You probably thought I was dead... DIDN'T YOU!?
Well I'm not! I got away from the ship at the last second
and now I'm REALLY going to cause some trouble!
In fact, that's what the sequel is going to be about!
Yeah, that's the ticket! Me and my exciting adventures
as I conquer the galaxy for the greater glory of... ME!
It will have action! It will have drama!
It will have gratuitous alien sex scenes!
It's gonna be great!

Ha!  I guessed right!!   Grin  Grin  Grin  Grin  Grin Roll Eyes Cheesy
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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #49 on: February 25, 2003, 10:22:17 pm »

The Dnyarri are alive!

Just look in Umgah space around. While the one was controlling some Umgah, he made them revive other talking pets.
They just hid until all was safe agin. The moment SC3version2 starts in gameplay, the Dnyarri have been controlling all known space for over a thousand years again.
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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #50 on: February 25, 2003, 10:46:32 pm »

Good point. Ouch. So how does the main chracter free itself of the Dnyarri? Perhaps he stumbles upon a book written by the famous Kzer-Za....

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #51 on: February 26, 2003, 12:04:10 am »

No, that's when the Captain gets back from his honeymoon. Grin
« Last Edit: February 26, 2003, 12:46:56 am by Death_999 » Logged
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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2003, 12:36:25 am »

That's a loong honeymoon. Also, he needs to make it back to Vela after five years, so a thousand years later must be another captain... Perhaps SC4?

In that case SC3 could be one of those (IMO) cool stories where evil triumphs in the end. Even though you do your best, in the end the Dnyarri win, and you are executed, or take your own life.

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #53 on: February 26, 2003, 01:26:57 am »

That starts changing the ending of SC2 again (unless SC3 lasts past the grandchildren of the Captain).  Tongue
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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #54 on: February 26, 2003, 01:30:48 am »

But when he tells the story to his grandchildren, he is already udner mind control! And so are they! It's a sadistic Dnyarri punishment, to make the Captain relive his past triumph, and realize, that it had been better to let the Kohr-Ah win.

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2003, 12:53:45 am »

in the ending he never mentions why he was deleayed it could have been a war with the dynarri.
think of why the dynarri would lose
1) chmmrs and their avatars
2) the Ur-Quan already knows how to defeat the compustion.
3) if you go with the story i wrote everyone would know the ships that have been taken by the dynarri so only small fleets out of contact would get close enough to be taken countrol of.
4) EVERYONE would be sure shoot first if they thought a dynarri is near.
5) the pkunk and syreen could sence them when they are near.

but it would be a bloody battle probibly a good idea for some kind mix betweena rpg and a rts.

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #56 on: February 27, 2003, 01:02:47 am »

Wouldn't it be kind of impossible to stop the Dnyarri though (Yes this is going completely against what i said in the beginning of the thread, but i thought about it)? I mean, all they have to do is travel outwards, hijack a new ship every time the old one runs out of fuel, and soon they'll be so far away from us that we cannot catch them. And they'll have found a whole new bunch of races to dominate.

Incidentally, I saw your thread over at Channel 44 as well. Trying to get away from disagreeing with me?Wink You'll have to do better..   Grin

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #57 on: February 27, 2003, 01:28:29 am »

Don't forget one Dynarri took control of an entire race.. as he grew stronger - "first the hospital, then the city, then the entire planet"... and then the nearby solar systems! that's SOME mind compulsion!

* and I guess you were kidding about the reviving other talking pets, since all the rest are serving on Ur-Quan vessles... nah, you were kidding Wink
« Last Edit: February 27, 2003, 01:29:12 am by Censored » Logged

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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #58 on: February 27, 2003, 02:55:26 am »

I imagine that if the Ur-Quan ever found out about the Dnyarri, they would put on some excrutiators and blow the crap out of anyone that got in their way while they hunt the little bugger down.  Either that or a race that doesn't mind torment for months could go after it.  I'm thinking either the Thraddash or the illwraith (if they haven't killed each other.)  

Or if the Taalo are still alive, as has been hinted, the game could be spent trying to find them before the Dnyarri wipes everyone out.  
« Last Edit: February 27, 2003, 02:56:26 am by Sudo_Nym » Logged
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Re:  Dnyarri
« Reply #59 on: February 27, 2003, 08:57:56 am »

Plot Continued

Now the dynarri have control of 70 percent the quadrant. World after world have fallen and only the Chmmrs have been able to stand up to them. Since  chmmr forces were already worn down do to the Ur-Quans wars. The chmmrs have been forced on the defensive and have been losing. The syreen have abandon their home the Pkunk and the yehat have retreated. The Utwig and the Supox are under the control of the dynarri. The mycon have been all but wiped out, and the vux ran away. Earth and all their data on the modules of the precursor ship have fallen into dynarri hands. [Insert any other races and their alignment]  The majority of the people who are not under the control of the dynarri have fled to the core of the chmmrs forces. The dynarris advanced has stopped mysteriously. The chmmrs have built and tested a mind Shield device. There is one problem the device is hard to manufacture and takes a rather rare elements. Armed with your new ship that is actually a battle platform not a workhorse ship. You must find these rare elements to build more mind shields so that you can increase your fleet. The bad news is, that like your other ship it is only a skeleton and its technology is more advance then the last one so you cannot build the modules. You must either find them or maybe another race can build these modules. You must build more mind shields and increase the fleet size and take back your worlds.

My idea is that instead of selling information on races the melnorme can build and upgrade your ships for biological data. The reason the dynarri can no longer expand is that they control too much space and don't have enough dynarri.

Also you could have the Ur-Quan and the Kohr-Ah join as allies but in their dialoged they are always mad and they insult you. [ excruciators and the fact you let it live]

The real question is how to get new and exciting species to make us laugh.  I propose that the map is shifted so that all the area that sc2 took place in is not the center of the map instead shift it over to the right to expose all that space there for exploration.

Of course this is all a suggestion.  Lukipela you may disagree all you want.

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