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Topic: Official Remix Pack 4: The New Alliance of Free Stars (Read 17198 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
The day has finally come. After many years of hard work (yeah right), the fourth and final remix pack for The Ur-Quan Masters is finally complete. I present to you the final track list from what has turned out to be the largest and most complicated remix pack yet:
1. Main Menu - Control the Stars (2:28) 2. Intro - Into the Void (3:25) 3. Chmmr - Photosynthesis (2:36) 4. Shofixti - Bonsai! (2:35) 5. Syreen - Close Encounters of the Seventh Kind (6:46) 6. Yehat - Years Late Mix (4:59) 7. Pkunk - Pkunks Not Dead (2:19) 8. Utwig - Mask of Ultimate Embarrassment and Shame (4:23) 9. Zoq-Fot-Pik - Frungy Party (3:11) 10. Orz - *Squeezing* the *Juice* (4:07) 11. Utwig - The Ultron (2:52) 12. Supox - Shake Yer Rootz (3:54) 13. Spathi - Fwiffo's Starrunner (2:36) 14. Super Melee Menu - Fight! (0:57) 15. The Sentient Milieu - Ripples in Time (1:57) 16. Outro - Awaking Dreams (4:06) 17. Credits - So Long and Thanks for All the Orz (3:50)
A lot of this stuff you've probably heard before, but there should be several surprises here. Hopefully they'll all be appreciated, even if it took us forever to get them out.
I'd like to extend a special thank you to Matt Bentley, a late addition to the collection of artists who have participated in this project. When the core Precursors team had drifted apart, he not only created the two final, missing remixes, but also kicked me back into action and kept me going until the end. Thanks man! 
At the time of writing, only the album release is complete. The remix pack for use in the game will appear shortly, but it needs to be assembled and tested first. While this typically would fall to the core team, I'm willing to accept the help of anyone who's intimately familiar with the structure of the music packs and who's able to test them in the game in a reasonable amount of time. If this is you, send me a PM. Otherwise, don't fret. We'll get there, and soon. 
To download the new remixes, visit the Precursors website at
Feel free to post comments both in this thread and on the website. New comments haven't been visible for the last few years, and I was too lazy to fix the issue. I finally got it fixed though, so new comments should again begin to show up, just like in the old days.
Edit 2013-02-20 by Meep-Eep: Official add-on packages for use in The Ur-Quan Masters are now available for download. An updated installer for the game which can install these packages is available now as well.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 08:42:53 pm by meep-eep »
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Hey, great!
If nobody beats me to it, I'll have time to produce an official .UQM file for this sometime between Christmas and New Year's.
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Horray for the Precursors!!!!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
.... !!!!! 
Whoopdee dee and trolly bazoo! What a good day I am having!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
That's quite awesome. I can't wait to listen to these tracks.
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
I'm not able to load the website linked in the first post. Is this just me?
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
The connection just times out. This is under Abrowser (which is Firefox, but with some slight changes and the branding removed due to Mozilla's trademark conditions), and I get the standard Firefox message: "The server at is taking too long to respond." I get the same result with the direct link, so I guess it must be a problem on my end. We have a wireless router that causes some really bizarre problems, so I guess it might be that.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 10:13:58 pm by onpon4 »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
That does sound like a routing problem, in which case there's nothing I can do about it. Just to make sure, can you try pinging the server? Just bring up a command window and type "ping" (without the quotes). If the server fails to respond there as well, then the problem lies somewhere between the server and your computer, and is completely out of my hands.
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
No response pinging, so yeah, it must be a problem with our router. That really sucks, because I can't hear the music! (Going around the router is not an easy thing to do the way we have it set up.) Oh well... I guess I'll have to wait until we have a better router, or someone uploads the new stuff to YouTube.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 11:41:27 pm by onpon4 »
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