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Topic: Hello Masters of Ur-Quan fans! (Read 1504 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 1
Hail, this is Alexander and I was recommended this game from a friend of mine who played the original back in the day, so I downloaded and started playing it, and might I say: I am quite intrigued with a game from 1992 that has so much roleplaying and adventure involved! Seriously, modern games that attempt this seem to fail in some way. I find that with the old XCOM games it's the same way.
So I created this account to stay tuned with the community. Do know that I never played before, and I was told the best way to play is by not knowing what everything and where everything is.
Also, I have a few questions to the team:
I have programming experience, and have learned C++, C#, Java, Python, and LUA scripting. I was curious, out of all of these header files within the game; where is the file that allows me to modify the screen resolution? I understand that the screen resolutions aren't 100% implemented. The reason i wish to know, is because I run on three 1600x900 monitors, and in order to use the HD version, I have to use the higher height resolution which actually looses some of the screen into overscan. If I use the smaller one, it looks tiny and hard to see everything (Windowed mode). If I do fullscreen, it is quite blurry due to the lower res from native, thus fills a entire screen and retains the original res on a LCD monitor.
This looks amazing however, and I hope the progress goes well for you guys!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
I have programming experience, and have learned C++, C#, Java, Python, and LUA scripting. I was curious, out of all of these header files within the game; where is the file that allows me to modify the screen resolution? I'm afraid it's not that simple; the game's underlying mechanics are intimately tied to the screen pixels, and most of the graphics are pre-sized .png images. Even UQM-HD's efforts just to scale up the graphics by 2x or 4x have been tricky; they're still working the bugs out of the 2x version. You would have to start by rescaling the thousands of images to the correct size. Then you'd have to re-do all of the code-generated screens like the shipyard, outfit area, starmap, radar, all the borders, etc. The ship speed and maneuverability are all measured in pixels, so they'd need to be adjusted.
This, btw, should give you some idea how big a project UQM-HD was.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
For the technical reasons Elestan outlined uqm-hd will never 'natively' support any more resolutions than it does now. On top of that 640x480 is very badly broken in the current release. The forthcoming beta will have working 640x480, and will also allow easy downscaling of the 1280x960 graphics to smaller resolutions. This will obviously cause it to lose some quality, but is hopefully better than nothing.
(It is possible, though unsupported, to do this downscaling with the current release:
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