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Author Topic: Worth playing Star Control 3?  (Read 9188 times)
Zebranky food
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2003, 12:45:21 am »

may not see this, who ever requested it, but I do have the SC3 midi's, actually they weren't midi directly, they were xmi's or something, though there's not much diffrence, personally I liked only 3 of the SC3 tunes. Namely the Arilou theme.
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2003, 10:59:55 am »

Actually, SC3 was decent in my eyes. What *really* put me off was the fact that you fiiiiinally get to the end of the game and you are greeted by the ending movie:

20 seconds of various ships flying up, spitting out bubbles
into a larger bubble, and then the larger bubble disappearing.

I have my SC3 CD somewhere, still, but it's probably (hopefully) lost to the ages of time.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2003, 11:00:16 am by Arsten » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2003, 05:54:51 am »

For any of you that say SC3 wasnt good, you might wanna stop smokeing that tainted crap, SC3 was Just as good as SC2 only with better graphics and a little diff gameplay, but I suggest if you can find it Get it ifyou havnt played it ..
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2003, 03:02:51 pm »

IMO, SC3 was a decent game, but not even close to be as good as SC2. That's why I hope for another sequel to rise up instead of SC3.

BTW, I liked the SC3 voice acting much more then the SC2 3DO (and now UQM) voice acting.. Smiley
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2003, 03:08:21 pm »

Well, the SC3 acting did have a lot more funding behind it... Sc2 acting is good, if you take into account their low budget, even though a few of the voices are annoying...

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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2003, 05:05:57 pm »

I've got the cd, I know exactly where it is, and decided to reinstall it and give it a try, since UQM had me in a starcon kind of mood.

After a few minutes of playing, I remembered exactly why I hadn't actually played through it a second time ever.  It's bad.  Graphically, the melee is just bad.  Just bad.  And there were bits the designers obvious just didn't get - like the Spathi in the game, if you look at it, it's entirely too normal a design - 1 pod front, 4 pods out back.  The whole point of having the pods in the first place was to confuse the enemy, and that kind of makes it obvious.

The gameplay is an awful lot of wait for fuel, wait some more, warp to a system, DOH, it's empty, warp back, wait for fuel.  In case you decide to increase the number of colonies to lessen your waiting time, you discover that you get to wait for landers too, to start colonies, and you get to wait for the crew to reproduce so a colony means something.  It's a lot of waiting.

The worst thing is that you never manage to feel personally involved like you did in star con 2.  Your colonies do all the mining, your research team finds half the important stuff in the game themselves, your mothership is un-upgradeable, so you don't get the nice fuzzy feeling from being able to afford those last 2 shiva furnaces.  Instead, you get the warm fuzzy feeling of doing a lot of waiting.  For those brief moments when you do get into a fight to break the monotony, you find that your motherships primary weapon is useless, but the point defense system is an autoaiming gatling cannon of doom.  And then you get a doog, and fighting becomes almost worse then waiting.  

It has it's moments, sure, but if you go in expecting a step forward from starcon 2, you'll be in for a nasty suprise.  A few of the lines are well done, and the voice acting is very good (though I feel the good voice acting is offset by the huge hit in character the puppets give.  No style to them.  A starcon 2 pkunk looks...well, a bit loopy, while the starcon 3 one looks like an ostritch)

If by some miracle, you found it on the shelves of your local game store, and you felt patient, it might be worth picking up to talk about the story with the few people who won't shout at you that it never happened, lalala.  But, if it actually obtaining a copy requires any more money or effort then getting a value meal at your local mcdonalds would, then you're much, much better off with the value meal.
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2003, 01:56:53 am »

For any of you that say SC3 wasnt good, you might wanna stop smokeing that tainted crap, SC3 was Just as good as SC2 only with better graphics and a little diff gameplay, but I suggest if you can find it Get it ifyou havnt played it ..

Wow, I didn't know I was smoking crap... if you like smoking human fesces, that's your problem...  just don't accuse me of doing it.  Tongue

I do not admit SC3 is an awful game.  I do admit it is nowhere near as good as SC2.  That fact that you would say the two are equal makes me laugh hysterically.  I guess you must enjoy waiting hours for something to happen and the patchwork of a crappy storyline thrown together too quickly.  This is the only explanation why you could say that an amazing game such as SC2 is equal to its ill-conceived sequel.  While I see the benefits of SC3, I feel sorry for your corrupted soul and your corporate-fed influences.

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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2003, 04:06:41 am »

Star Control 3 wasn't a bad game in my opinion. It sure as hell wasn't a fitting sequel to SC2, but it wasn't horrible. I even liked some parts of it. The Xchaggers were pretty neat and I actually got a bit of a laugh over what the Precursors turned out to be. I also kinda liked the fact that the Precursors sometimes screwed up which led to problems like the Mycon and such -- the flaws made them a bit more real in my mind, rather than some godlike race that could do no wrong.

That said, I can't recomend SC3 unless you can get it cheap. It's simply not that good of a game to spend more than ten bucks on.
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2003, 04:27:57 am »

SC3 is fun. Not SC2 fun, but still fun. Plus, the Spathi, Orz, and VUX voice actors in the game are GREAT. Smiley  I like most of the new races too... a lot of their ships suck, but the races themselves are cool... especially the K'Tang, the Harika/Yorn, the Xchaggers, the Doog, and the Daktaklakpak.
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Re: Worth playing Star Control 3?
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2003, 05:42:45 am »

My favorite races were the Daks (GAHHH!), VUX, Orz, Utwig, K'Tang, and Spathi. The voice acting was superb, although the VUX dialogue just didn't sound right to me.

I must say I enjoyed everything about the Ultron quest though, except where the Lk were concerned. There were even some funny lines. "Where I come from we say 'Thank you' when someone restores our long lost dieties."

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