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Topic: Space Layering (Sphere Theory) (Read 5268 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
WARNING: This may contain spoilers regarding some races and StarControl 2 physics. Before proceeding, know that this theory relies on HyperSpace being an independent dimension from TrueSpace.
We know what IDF is, or at least we should I have a diagram to help with the explanations.  To start, I will theorize why TrueSpace is called *Heavy Space*. Provided that Inter-Dimensional Pull (I.D.P.) is true, TrueSpace would be exhibiting a gravity-like quality, pulling the dimensions closer to it. As this is the origin of the "gravity" it would be the point where the dimensions would be the "heaviest." This could explain the Orz's name for it. As we know that nothing in the universe is perfect, by any means. If it was, there would be no Inter-Dimensional Fatigue. If the universe, as shown in the bottom of the picture, was a perfect sphere then there would be no flaws and all weight would be distributed equally. This would also make hyperspace travel much more taxing on a ship when leaving TrueSpace and entering QuasiSpace from HyperSpace impossible to do naturally (the Bi-Directional Portal). Another thing is what the the Arilou refer to as "easy spots." This can be explained by Inter-Dimensional Pull and Fatigue. As the pull of True-Space causes the dimensions to be dragged nearer to it, and the universe is not a perfect sphere, the "fatigued" points would be more vulnerable and certain dimensions may bleed into one-another. For this to be true, however, the boundaries of hyperspace and hypospace must be very strong in most locations but can be weak near actual gravity wells, such as stars and easily penetrated by physical objects. The boundaries of QuasiSpace, however, would have to be incredibly powerful. The "easy spots" are locations affected by I.D.F. The combination of I.D.F. and I.D.P. would mean that a ship could punch a small hole through the fabric of Space-Time and jump dimensions when aided by the Inter-Dimensional Pull. The Bi-Directional portal remains a phenomenon, however. The only explanation I have on-hand is that the TrueSpace eddy in QuasiSpace, combined with the "easy spot" could cause the I.D.P. to cancel out each other and have a small area of little resistance between HyperSpace and QuasiSpace. These same principles should apply with HypoSpace and *Below*. *Pretty Space* could also refer to another location other than HypoSpace. It could refer to where QuasiSpace, HyperSpace, HypoSpace, and *Below* meet. It is additionally possible that the Orz are also from Quasi-Space, just the other "pole" of it, though this would require *Pretty Space* to be a True-Space eddy within QuasiSpace or something else unknown. Perhaps the dead center of the universe has more locations, though this would make the *Heavy Space* description completely coincidental. This would look similar to this.  With black being the center of the universe. I would wand to discredit this idea simply because it would destroy all this thinking I did. It also would then make even less sense for the name *Heavy Space*. It would better explain *Above* and *Below*, however destroying the idea of *Pretty Space*. Also, to be fair, the layers as shown in the first picture would be a bit more stretched across, meaning there would be a small spot where HyperSpace connects to *Below* and HypoSpace connects to QuasiSpace. If you have any questions about my probably scatterbrained logic, please ask.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
Just a hunch, but I suspect you may have put more thought into this cosmology than TfB did when they made the game.
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
And I would think that *Pretty Space* equals Quasi-Space, since I always feel that the green color and mysterious music of that dimension is quite beautiful and appealing, so it's easy to imagine the Orz feeling the same.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I'm not sure why you didn't just layer them flat. What does curving it onto a sphere actually accomplish here?
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
I'm not sure why you didn't just layer them flat. What does curving it onto a sphere actually accomplish here?
I think it's so that Arilou and Orz can know about each other. If it was layered then they would literally be dimensions apart. Frankly, I think spheres are cool and somehow made more sense. What you said is true, though, they would literally be dimensions apart in such a way that they couldn't really stumble upon each other by accident. I also chose a sphere because it could better explain the I.D.P., since I could relate it to a planet with TrueSpace being the core.
Although, thinking about it, the flat layering of the dimensions could have been what kept the Orz from noticing the Arilou, though before I assumed it was their TrueSpace eddy that did that. Does anyone have any ideas why the stars in the eddy are red?
And I would think that *Pretty Space* equals Quasi-Space, since I always feel that the green color and mysterious music of that dimension is quite beautiful and appealing, so it's easy to imagine the Orz feeling the same.
That's true. I honestly had no idea where to put *Pretty Space*, unless some dimensions are the same by their names. I assumed since the Orz had called them differently that the would be different. I also speculated that *Pretty Space* was the point where Quasi, Hyper, Hypo, and *Below* met, since that point could potentially be 'the boundary between turbulence and order'. So anything could happen, they could shape it by their thoughts. This could make it whatever the person wanted, so it would be pretty to them.
This is roughly my original diagram of the dimensions before I revised it.
It was *Pretty Space* that closed off the edges of the dimensions, though to do that it the dimensions would have to have been curved already. The *Pretty Space* is part of a temporal causality loop, it curved the edges of the universe so it could create *Pretty Space* so it could curve the edges of the universe and so on. That means that *Pretty Space* is the perfect place to hide, since its existence is very suspect to change, but if you are in it and it changes you will be fine because you can will yourself to live in there and you still would, as you are in 'the boundary between turbulence and order'.
*Pretty Space* is awesome.
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
I don't understand the Orz too much: they are barely aware of TrueSpace, they seem new to it, yet they do have knowledge about other types of dimensional beings (Arilou, Taalo). I think that means that their dimensions have to be closer related to *Below* than TrueSpace is.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 127
Just a hunch, but I suspect you may have put more thought into this cosmology than TfB did when they made the game.
You're probably right about that. Personally, I still find it fun to engage in these sorts of hypothetical discussions though. I think it's a mark of the quality in the game tha tpeople ares till this fascinated with the fluff of the setting 20 years past its initial publication.
I'm not sure why you didn't just layer them flat. What does curving it onto a sphere actually accomplish here?
I think it's so that Arilou and Orz can know about each other. If it was layered then they would literally be dimensions apart. I never thought of the Arilou as being native to Quasispace. Their homeworld looks like it's in TrueSpace, it's just accessed via QuasiSpace (another "bi-dimensional portal," as the OP calls them. The Arilou are unquestionably far advanced in the realm of inter-dimensional travel, so I imagine they've had plenty of opportunities to encounter the Orz, among other species from "other places," regardless of how the interdimensional layers are actually arranged.
In fact, I would be inclined to argue that the Arilou have probably been to *Below* once or twice and lived to tell about it. If they can change our *smell* to hide us from the Orz, they can certainly change their own *smell* too.
Does anyone have any ideas why the stars in the eddy are red?
I had always chalked it up to the inter-dimensional equivalent of gravitational lensing.
I don't understand the Orz too much: they are barely aware of TrueSpace, they seem new to it, yet they do have knowledge about other types of dimensional beings (Arilou, Taalo). I think that means that their dimensions have to be closer related to *Below* than TrueSpace is.
I would agree with the assessment that the Orz are "barely aware" of TrueSpace. I think that's more a matter of perspective than of them being "new to it" though. I think that TrueSpace is something the Orz have known about for a while, but never really considered it worth investigating until the Androsynth got their attention. Sort of like how humanity has known about the sea for ages, yet we've only just begun to scratch the surface of exploring what's *beneath* it.
I'm also not sure how much "distance" really matters between dimensions. The portal that leads from QuasiSpace to the Arilou homeworld appears to go directly from QuasiSpace to TrueSpace, if the colouring is any indication. There could just as easily be portals that go directly from *Above* to *Below* for all we know.
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
What is this hypospace you talk about? I don't remember any mention of it in the game.
I always imagined it to go in this order: Quasispace Hyperspace Truespace *Below* *Pretty" Space
I originally thought that Hypospace could have been *Pretty Space*, though now it seems I might have actually been convinced otherwise. HypoSpace was mainly just another word for the opposite for HyperSpace. Beyond that I honestly have no reason for calling it what I did. It could be layered the way you said. I think though that since the Arilou are from *Above*, which would be QuasiSpace, that *Below* would be equally away from TrueSpace in terms of dimensions. So there would have to be a space in between, and that's where HypoSpace (babies) came from.
I'm not sure why you didn't just layer them flat. What does curving it onto a sphere actually accomplish here?
I think it's so that Arilou and Orz can know about each other. If it was layered then they would literally be dimensions apart. I never thought of the Arilou as being native to Quasispace. Their homeworld looks like it's in TrueSpace, it's just accessed via QuasiSpace (another "bi-dimensional portal," as the OP calls them. The Arilou are unquestionably far advanced in the realm of inter-dimensional travel, so I imagine they've had plenty of opportunities to encounter the Orz, among other species from "other places," regardless of how the interdimensional layers are actually arranged. In fact, I would be inclined to argue that the Arilou have probably been to *Below* once or twice and lived to tell about it. If they can change our *smell* to hide us from the Orz, they can certainly change their own *smell* too. I personally assumed they were safe from the Orz because of their QuasiSpace-TrueSpace "eddy." That's also why I think that the Arilou were native to QuasiSpace, because of their "eddy." I would have to agree with you when you say that the Arilou have been to *Below* before. The abilities of the Orz though, as they are the TrueSpace manifestation of 'Them', could be superior to the Arilou Lalee'lay. In fact 'Them' as a whole could have been aware of the Arilou before they were even capable of they inter-dimensional travel, but watched them similar to how they watched us. It could be because of this that 'They' want to find the Earth and the Humans, since the Arilou were watching us and became aware of 'Them' watching them. They could have known about them seeing the Humans but didn't know where, since the only known TrueSpace manifestation of 'Them' is the Orz, and they only found the Androsynth because they revealed themselves. The fact that the Precursor vessel has IDF technology and the Captain's knowledge of IDF could lead to the Arilou having to remove the Captain's presence from TrueSpace entirely, as to protect the rest of the Humans.
I'm not sure why you didn't just layer them flat. What does curving it onto a sphere actually accomplish here?
I think it's so that Arilou and Orz can know about each other. If it was layered then they would literally be dimensions apart. Frankly, I think spheres are cool and somehow made more sense. What you said is true, though, they would literally be dimensions apart in such a way that they couldn't really stumble upon each other by accident. Arilou are hardly the accidental tourists of dimensional travel. And pardon me if 'somehow made more sense' without elaboration doesn't convince. Fair enough, I was playing on it being obvious because I really was too tired to bother explaining (too little sleep.) What I meant was this. You know how the universe was created by the Big Bang, which exploded in all directions. If something expands in all directions it would form a sphere. Since it keeps expanding in those directions I assumed that a sphere would be more scientifically accurate than a flat rendition. It's also true that Arilou would likely be searching the dimensions for other life, but actually finding something could be an accident depending on how it was found. IE: if you found something you were looking for in a place you didn't expect it, I would personally equate it to an accident. A purposeful accident, but an accident nonetheless.
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