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Author Topic: Ideas for co-op story  (Read 2589 times)
Zebranky food
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Ideas for co-op story
« on: February 11, 2013, 03:44:28 pm »

I pulled my ancient 3DO out of storage and have a friend I wanted to show SC2 to.  She's only interested in playing if we play co-op though, so I was stumped on how we might play the story mode with 2 people.

I toyed with the idea of doing the combat, she did everything else.
Another idea was I would only play areas where a lander was involved.
I'm not sure either are really great solutions, so I thought I'd see if anyone else had ideas.

Ultimately, I want her to spend more time than me playing, as I've played it to death 30+ times.  Besides, I want her to get involved in it rather than sitting and watching.
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2013, 04:49:16 pm »

Co-op? That's like playing King's Quest co-op; it doesn't really make any sense.

If she's completely uninterested in playing by herself, then I'd say SC2 isn't the game for her, to be honest. Same thing if she just doesn't like adventure games.

On the other hand, if she's just thinking the game will be too hard, maybe you just need to assure her that it's really fun even though you'll almost certainly lose the first time, while it would be kind of boring if your friend is helping you along the way.

In any case, I don't think trying to force a co-op type thing is a good idea. Both of you will end up getting extremely bored, and perhaps even frustrated.

As an aside, The Ur-Quan Masters is derived and improved from the 3DO version (as I'm sure you know), so she would be better off playing UQM on her own computer than playing SC2 on your 3DO.

Zebranky food
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2013, 05:34:23 pm »

All valid points, but she's a console gamer only, so that's out.

I think the "co-op" experience is more about both of us being part of something than having fun, if that makes any sense.  Its a compromise we have.  Basically I'll give in and play Kingdom of Keflings if she'll play Borderlands 2 with me.  If she's not there playing though, I just assume burn the kefling games into nonexistance.

In effect, I have to play, at least minimally.  Otherwise I'd just sit back and watch and offer advice/history.
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2013, 06:55:26 pm »

If she's not interested in playing SC2 or UQM by herself, I'd say just let it go. I really think she will have a sub-par experience at best if you try to force a co-op into it. She would probably conclude that the game is just boring.

You could play melee with her, though. That's 2-player.

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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2013, 01:57:13 am »

In effect, I have to play, at least minimally.  Otherwise I'd just sit back and watch and offer advice/history.

Let her start playing while you watch.  Tell her you'll take over if she needs help (ie: in combat, perhaps.)  Let her play until she asks for your help, and keep your fingers crossed that she doesn't ask. =P

Offer advice to keep her moving and hopefully avoid running afoul of the Death March.

The other thing to consider is whether you want her to play this game or whether you want her to like it.  It sounds like you're playing this Kefling series to please her but don't really like it.  I'd question how much she enjoys Borderlands 2, also.  If you just want her to play the game so that the two of you can spend time together, that's cool.  Just do whatever works to meet your co-op agreement.  If you actually want her to enjoy the game in and of itself, though, she needs to get into it on her own.

And you might want to think about how she'll likely react to the whole Talana/Captain scene.  Not exactly hardcore porn or anything, but it might be a bit awkward if you're both mostly doing this just to be with each other.
Zebranky food
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2013, 04:50:37 am »

I never thought about the Talana ordeal.  That will be more humor than anything else I think. 

We gave it a go a little while ago.  The broken Ilwrath was a little much.  Didn't help that it randomly spawned fairly close by though.  I told her the truth: sometimes that one can get the best of us and we'd try again another day.
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2013, 03:29:42 pm »

The Talana scene only happens if you ask 'what about... us?', which she probably wouldn't.

Could you perhaps take the tack that you're curious how someone who hasn't played it might approach it, so simply watching would be entertaining for you?
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2013, 11:43:22 pm »

Or the Talana scene could lead to... Wink

Anyway.  If she'd be down with it I'd suggest just watching her play.  When I was younger I loved watching my brother play.
Zebranky food
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2013, 05:34:26 am »

I never thought about the Talana ordeal.  That will be more humor than anything else I think. 

We gave it a go a little while ago.  The broken Ilwrath was a little much.  Didn't help that it randomly spawned fairly close by though.  I told her the truth: sometimes that one can get the best of us and we'd try again another day.

"...the Talana ordeal"Huh  Never thought of it that way before!  The first time I showed the "getting laid" scene to my girlfriend, she thought it was hilarious, then we ended up re-inacting it.  Not exactly what I'd call an "ordeal." 
Zebranky food
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Re: Ideas for co-op story
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2013, 11:33:40 am »

Either way, I tried the single player, just watch idea, and it didn't stick.  Which is really unfortunately because she loved Mass Effect.  But a deal is a deal, so in a year or two I'll dig out the 3DO and try again, next time with a good co-op idea planned.
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