Source forge just notified me of an update, 0.7.0-1 released on Feb 19th 2013. I downloaded and ran the installer and it still refers to itself as 0.7.0 but the filename and the version info on sourceforge clearly add the -1. What is going on?
How about finally including an option to save configuration data, and saved games, to a custom location?
I take the game to various places on my flash drive, and have to copy everything to proper directory (and then make sure to back it up before leaving as well as deleting data if it's not my computer).
Such an option has actually been present since UQM 0.4: -C (or --configdir). See the manual for more information. (And as an alternative, which is not listed in the manual, you could also chose to set the UQM_CONFIG_DIR environment variable.)
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”