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Topic: The Remains of the Precursors (Read 15612 times)
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
I was just wondering why there is so little technology left from the precursors. Think about earth there are factories and shops everywhere. And when there's a factory there is usually a town surrounding it. Now why don't we see more Precursors factories and Precursors sporting good stores? You should be able to land one a planet find a store grab a gun and attach it to your hull. You could find a do it yourself solar system creation kit. Find a toy that really *smells*
Now what if they had some kind of learning machine e.g. attach to your head and learn everything.
Why aren't there any Precursors graves?
Wonder if there are any precursors drifting in a colony ship in stasis?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2003, 02:42:37 pm by BioSlayer »
Posts: 3620
The Ancient One
Well, that is the mystery part isn't it? I seem to recall the game mentioning "mysteriously vanished" or some such.
Anyway, there are a few possible explanations :
1. The precursors left. And not just left a bit but left proper, what they couldn't bring with them they destroyed. They only overlooked a few things here and there.
2. The precursors only built some things to last. Most of their everday stuff was organically engineered, or made in some sort of light ecological material, so when they went away, they took a lot of stuff with them, and of what they left behind, most was bio-degradable.
3. The precursors actually left a lot of stuff, but diffferent alien races have been collecting stuff for so long that most of it is gone by now.
4. The precursors never had much of a presence in our part of the galaxy, they just had a couple of field bases here for study.
And so on...
What's up doc?
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
I think number 4 is the best one.
DIsagree with that!!!! LOL
maybe its that they are all buried so far down(do to erosion) that its hard to detect them. remember the site at vela was so hard to find it was pure luck.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2003, 01:07:35 am by BioSlayer »
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
maybe they didn't like the idea of not having a freindly autmosphere where their base where
« Last Edit: February 24, 2003, 01:34:39 am by BioSlayer »
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
maybe what they were researching were only on planets the supported them natrualy e.g. life forms
RE: BTW: I started these conversations with you last night then i went to sleepgot up and you were still on so for me this is tomarrow. and who know what they will think.
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
True but i dont think your going to find THAT test site. as for sun devices maybe they had orbital installations that lost there orbit overtime and either went hurdeling into space or burned up
« Last Edit: February 24, 2003, 02:17:40 am by BioSlayer »
Posts: 3620
The Ancient One
Yes, but theyd need ground stations also, and on both planet with an atmosphere and ones without. You'd have tpo put the Sun Device into orbit and activate it, but in order to know exactly what ouput it will have on the ground you need research stations on the ground that measure this, how the device power interferes with other natural phenomena on the planet and such. If you do this in a place where there is no atomsphere you wont get any background disturbance (I think), Also the precursosrs strike me as at least moderately responsible, so testing the device on a world with an ecosystem and wiping out a couple of species becasue the atmosphere caught fire might be seen as "bad".
As for the bomb, the final testing sites wont be found, but surely they didn't just come up with a formula and build a huge bomb capapble of destroying planets. Our nuclear bombs demanded a lot of testing as well, before they were ready for use. And if you have the possibility to test this on a lifeless world instead of in an ecosystem, it might be easier. Then, once more you'd need ground stations.
Also, perhaps sometimes they had no choice? If there was something intersting in a sytem that thjey wished to observe and measure for several years, a base is nicer than a ship (although who knows, maybe they had huge research ships as well, they were certainly capapble of building large things)... And if said system had no Gaia worlds?
What's up doc?
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
Their ground bases likely would have been temporary so when they completed their research they just packed it up. This is the real question where did they put all their "outdated" mothballed ships? It is a possibility that when they left they put all their major stuff on there home planet and their major colonies. After they did that they could have "hidden" the planets in some other diminution. Maybe the Arilou found one. But the tech was so advanced that they have yet to reverse engineer it. this could be a other storyline for the main plot of SC3 the remake as well as the story in the dynarri thread
Play SC3, that explains what happened to the Precursors.
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
Nnnnnngaaaa!!!! I am *squeezing* the *juice*. You have become too close. You are *sick* for the last time! Nnnnnnggggaaaaaa!! It is not enough for *happy days* I am sure. More and more *juice!* Nnnnnggggaaaahhhhh!!!!!! It is *dancing*!!!!
Ugly bag of water
Play SC3, that explains what happened to the Precursors. Its Best not to talk about SC3 in this forum
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