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Author Topic: Melee customization desperately wanted  (Read 8021 times)

Melee customization desperately wanted
« on: February 24, 2003, 05:17:16 pm »

I'm a SC2 melee addict and there's one thing that would REALLY rock my world (and end my life, as I would be trapped in front of my computer for weeks thus dying of starvation):

Customization of environment and ships in melee. Specifically these elements:

1) Planets and asteroids optional! (Then it would be 100% skill, no random element deciding battles)

2) Options for changing ship statistics - like firing range, crew and fuel capabilities, speed, turning rate etc etc. (sort of like the precursor improvements/disadvantages in SC1 and SC3).

At least 1) is highly wanted - and shouldn't be too hard to implement (?).

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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2003, 06:27:21 pm »

No planet is a bad idea. There are so many ships rely on gravity whipping, such as the earthling cruiser, the yehat, mycon, even shofixiti, and several others. Taking away the planet would destroy many tactics for those ships and it would actually take away skill. The planet increases the tactical options available.

(gravity whipping is flying by the planet and then letting go of the thrusters, which allows you to sail through space at high speeds)

No asteroids might be okay, but then how would the slylandro get fuel? I don't think asteroids make enough of a difference to be worth taking out anyway.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2003, 08:14:02 pm by JWJ » Logged

Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2003, 06:46:36 pm »

That is the raison d'etre for Star Control: Timewarp.  Go download a copy and support this fine project.
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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2003, 12:14:01 am »

It's very easy to implement, by that I mean both (1) and (2) of the options you presented.

Option (2) would take a bit more time as each ship has different primary and secondary weapons.

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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2003, 02:27:00 am »

JWJ: Bad idea? How can OPTIONAL customization be a bad idea? When it's player VS cyborg, I want to play in the environment of my choosing. If I lose options, too bad for me? The AI rarely uses planets in its tactics (exceptions are Ilwrath and the Orz fighters).

And I never play Slylandro ;o)

Obviously, my motivation is tainted by the fact that I play Druuge 99% of the time and operate at speeds which make the planet nothing more than a deadly hindrance. Especially the Druuge vs Earthling battle is skewed (less skill, more ranom elements) by asteroids/planet. Shocked)


Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2003, 03:36:03 am »

I'm a SC2 melee addict and there's one thing that would REALLY rock my world (and end my life, as I would be trapped in front of my computer for weeks thus dying of starvation):

Customization of environment and ships in melee. Specifically these elements:

1) Planets and asteroids optional! (Then it would be 100% skill, no random element deciding battles)

The fact that you describe the planet as "random" pretty much sums up my major problem with the uqm melee: the zoom makes it impossible to see where the planet is!  I think my #1 feature request (after some of the stuff implemented in the 0.1 -> 0.2 series) is a "planet locator" like they have in Timewarp -- losing battles because I didn't know where the planet was (and crashed into it/couldn't find it to whip around it) is a bit silly.

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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2003, 07:41:02 am »

I will admit, I'm in the same boat with regards to both planets and asteroids...the asteroids are no more than a nuisance and the planet locator wouldn't be a bad idea...

I've lost countless more ships to the planet and asteroids than I ever did to my melee opponent's ships...
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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2003, 09:26:51 am »

Ive lost COUNTLESS Pkunk to PLASMA DEATH then i ever did to


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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2003, 06:14:21 pm »

I think a planet indicator would be a great idea!
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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2003, 07:35:22 pm »

Being the disagreeing voice here, I prefer the Melee without a planet indicator. to me, part of the fun is the surpirse of where you are, and how occasionally any battle can end with a head first dive into the planet. I do understand that they are needed in TW, where you can have a multitude of shpis on screen at once and need to locate them, although I think it could be fun to play that without them as well. Life is uncertain. Nothing says that like a planet in your face.

And the runaway tactics of the Spathi due become a lot more intersting when you randmomly collide with asteroids and involuntarily close to firing range for the other ship.

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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2003, 08:23:19 pm »

Be that as it may, it makes no sense that you can't see two inches in front of your own face.
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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2003, 08:33:41 pm »

Does it make any sense that you can crash into a planet and not become incinerated? Or that your ship is actually almost as large as an entire planet? Or that Orz marines look like ten of them could settle the whole planet? Noone said it had to make sense. It jsut has to be exciting and varying. And the chance elemtn of the planet does that, at least for me.

Having said that, I do understand if others don't find this as amusing as I do, every1 has their own style of play.

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Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2003, 08:37:57 pm »

A spaceship crashing into a planet could be, umm... aerobraking, Yeah, that's it. And they have to throw some crewmen out the hatch to get the momentum to balance...

Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2003, 07:01:04 am »

I just noticed (or remembered), after finishing the 0.2 alpha (worked without any major problems. props!) that the sa-matra battle is without both planet and asteroids. There are other annoying things there though, but it's not like it's hard (1 pkunk is all it takes. if you screw up, you might get lucky and be 'reborn'). My point, however, is that it does indeed look like CUSTOMIZABLE environment would be easy to implement.


Re: Melee customization desperately wanted
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2003, 12:50:35 am »

If you want melee to be completely devoid of randomness, you also have to disable the Orz's trooper special-ability, because the amount of your opponent's crew that they kill before they die is random.  You also have to disable the Androsynth's bubble weapon, since the bubbles move about randomly.  Obviously you'll need to leave out the Pkunk ships.  Oh, I guess the Slylandro lasers move in random directions too, so you have to disable those.  There may be more weapons that function randomly that I don't remember.

But I love using Slylandro ships!  So I'd like asteroids to be in the game.  Smiley
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