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Topic: Short Questions and Answers (Read 4386 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
I didn't find such a thread, so I start one 
1. Got a broadcast from Rigel. How can I find this (or any other) star system? There are so many of them, I can't just look around...
2. Found a planet with biological activity, but this things harmed my crew a lot. Are they just "monsters" to make it harder to collect minerals? How do I know, that contact is possible? Can I make any use of the "primitve" lifeforms?
Thanks a lot,
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Thank you, but / doesnt work. Simply nothing happens?
I won't give up so fast, but I'm getting desperate. Space combat is far too hard for me - I simply stand no chance I was hunted by an enemy through hyperspace. I escaped to a star system. But when I leave it, the enemy "buble" is waiting for me. It's a spider with working cloak, and I have just my mothership and this weak guy from Pluto. The enemy is cloaked, I stand no chance. So I hit esc to escape, but while the drive loads, the enemy uncloacks and kills me. If I try to run away first, he stays cloaked, but suddenly he appears in my rear, no matter what I try. 
Trying 10 times, one or two times I escaped - just to be soaked into the planetery system again, from which I came. Leaving it - the spider waits. One time I get away, but was followed by two (!!!) bubbles, which hunted me down, beeing faster then me.
Is it a situation without chance? Is there any way to slow down combat, so that I guy, common to turn-based-games, stands a chance? Is there no way to escape a faster and stronger enemy?
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Ok, it's 3 spiders now Whenever I manage to escape one battle, I'm immediatly soaked into the second bubble (wihin half a second - no chance to react). Space battles take never longer then 5 or six seconds - is that normal? Even an action-used player will have problems at that speed, I guess. Is the game meant to run on a modern laptop? The spiders set themselfes behind me, as soon as they uncloak, it only takes 2-3 seconds to destroy my ship - no countermeasures possible. Do I have wrong settings?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
Thank you, but / doesnt work. Simply nothing happens? It works for me. You're playing the free version (Ur-Quan Masters), right? You need to be on the starmap screen, and then hit the slash key, and start typing.
I won't give up so fast, but I'm getting desperate. Space combat is far too hard for me - I simply stand no chance  I was hunted by an enemy through hyperspace. I escaped to a star system. But when I leave it, the enemy "buble" is waiting for me. It's a spider with working cloak, and I have just my mothership and this weak guy from Pluto. The enemy is cloaked, I stand no chance. So I hit esc to escape, but while the drive loads, the enemy uncloacks and kills me. If I try to run away first, he stays cloaked, but suddenly he appears in my rear, no matter what I try.  Trying 10 times, one or two times I escaped - just to be soaked into the planetery system again, from which I came. Leaving it - the spider waits. One time I get away, but was followed by two (!!!) bubbles, which hunted me down, beeing faster then me. As onpon4 said in the other thread, you can't slow down the combat, but you can turn on the Cyborg to fight for you. If you're currently pinned by more enemies than you can fight or evade, you may have to reload from an earlier save game.
However, if you're running into Illwrath, then you've entered their area of space; you should be able to see it as a circle on the starmap. There's an easy solution: Just don't go there until you're ready to fight them. Preferably, wait until your ship is faster than theirs, so that you can run away.
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Ok, I tried about 30 different battles in melee mode and won not a single one Seems I'm too slow / old / stupid to get it As battles are such an important part of the game, which I don't want to leave to the AI, it's just a game for faster players then me. But I really want to say thank you for your patient and nice help So: Thanks. Maybe a life as slave of alien supreme masters isn't bad at all 
Edit wants to add: Although I'm still not sure, if it runs as it should - space battles of 3-5 seconds seem somehow ridiculous to me.
Susan wants to add: In Melee, I have no chance to outmanouver a spider ship with a human missile-cruiser, although it's not cloaked. It closes in, I fire 3-4 missiles, killing about 1/10 of his crew. From then I'm under fire for 3 seconds and then destroyed. Any movement is followed by the spidership. How could I keep it away? Its faster and has better curving-ability? Depressing.
Does the missile cruiser have only missiles? I can't fire any other weapon with shift or ctrl? And I cant fly backwards - is that wanted?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 08:26:25 pm by Cfant »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
Ok, I tried about 30 different battles in melee mode and won not a single one  Seems I'm too slow / old / stupid to get it  As battles are such an important part of the game, which I don't want to leave to the AI, it's just a game for faster players then me. But I really want to say thank you for your patient and nice help  So: Thanks. Maybe a life as slave of alien supreme masters isn't bad at all  Edit wants to add: Although I'm still not sure, if it runs as it should - space battles of 3-5 seconds seem somehow ridiculous to me. Susan wants to add: In Melee, I have no chance to outmanouver a spider ship with a human missile-cruiser, although it's not cloaked. It closes in, I fire 3-4 missiles, killing about 1/10 of his crew. From then I'm under fire for 3 seconds and then destroyed. Any movement is followed by the spidership. How could I keep it away? Its faster and has better curving-ability? Depressing. If the Illwrath gets to you, you're probably dead in 3 seconds, yes; the Earthling will not win in a close-in slugfest. But you should be able to keep range on it most of the time. Remember that once you've accelerated to your top speed away from it, you don't need to keep your engines on; you can stop thrusting, turn to face it, and shoot without losing any velocity. Just be ready to react if he tries to wrap-around the screen to get ahead of you.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 158

I support Project6014
Ok, I tried about 30 different battles in melee mode and won not a single one  Seems I'm too slow / old / stupid to get it  As battles are such an important part of the game, which I don't want to leave to the AI, it's just a game for faster players then me. But I really want to say thank you for your patient and nice help  So: Thanks. Maybe a life as slave of alien supreme masters isn't bad at all  Edit wants to add: Although I'm still not sure, if it runs as it should - space battles of 3-5 seconds seem somehow ridiculous to me. Susan wants to add: In Melee, I have no chance to outmanouver a spider ship with a human missile-cruiser, although it's not cloaked. It closes in, I fire 3-4 missiles, killing about 1/10 of his crew. From then I'm under fire for 3 seconds and then destroyed. Any movement is followed by the spidership. How could I keep it away? Its faster and has better curving-ability? Depressing. Does the missile cruiser have only missiles? I can't fire any other weapon with shift or ctrl? And I cant fly backwards - is that wanted? Don't give up. Just re-load and try to avoid Ilwrath until MUCH later. It is possible to completely avoid them. I could never defeat them. It was ridiculous. I just made sure I had full thrusters and then I outran them and this was only near the end of the game.
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Are you playing UQM or DOS-version SC2? A typical combat should not take 5 seconds.
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
If you are playing the old DOS version, here's what you ought to be playing instead:
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 127
Just one more thing to add on top of the great advice others have given here:
UQM is a "sandbox" game - one of the things I love about it, btw. Meaning that the game allows you to go basically everywhere from the word go. Just because you CAN go into Ilwrath space doesn't mean that you SHOULD go into Ilwrath space. In general, if you find the enemies in one area of the game to be too hard, go someplace else instead, until your ship is more powerful and capable of defeating/escaping from them.
Re: finding stuff on the starmap, most of the really important things in the game come along with a set of coordinates which indicate the approximate direction, if not the exact location, of the thing you're looking for. When you're on the starmap, the coordinates in the upper right indicate where the cursor is on the map, so you can use that to find the general area that whoever was talking about. (If the coordinates go by too quickly in conversation, you can hit spacebar at the end of the speech to get a static text review of everything that was said.)
so if the search feature really isn't working, there's always that.
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
First I want to thank you guys - no "haha it's so easy you noob" posts here, but many very valuable tipps. Great help from your side! Startet new yesterday, stayed out of Spider-Space and had the one or other little victory in space. Mankind is not lost yet! Although I regard space combat very strong depending on luck... Had some battles against these machine-guys who tell of peace and run havoc some seconds later (could also be human behaviour ). They are so fast, had to reload from time to time... However, the game is great fun and thanks to you advice, I will keep on fighting for the "Federation of Stars"  Thanks again!
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
I'd like to add that although defeating the probes with Spathi ships is easy when you know what to do, it can also require a lot of patience, mostly because the probe will turn around when you fire at it while also moving at a great speed away from it. The key is to be moving ever so slightly below top speed and not point the B.U.T.T. missiles directly at the probe; point them slightly at an angle away and let the missile's tracking capability take care of the rest. If the probe gets too close, thrust away at full speed and point the B.U.T.T. gun at the probe while shooting. After a bit of practice, you'll get the hang of it enough to take care of small numbers of them you encounter every once in a while.
Another note: for the red probes, Super Melee won't work for practicing, IIRC, because the A.I. the probes use in Super Melee is different than the A.I. the probes use in the RPG.
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