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Topic: Just a little Ur-Quan Ranting and Raving (Read 4272 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
The game has some quirks that I've always wanted to rant and rave about. Now I've found a place to do that! I'll start slow...
With either of the 2 powerful hyperwave casters you can talk thru the slave shield to the Chmmr. Why can't you talk to the folks at any other slave shielded world?
And why do we have to send the Illrath to kill the Thraddash? By the time you do that, in the game they should be our allies, Even tho Culture 20 doesn't like YOU, Captain Bozo, the "little theif" who stole thier Aqua Helix, they are still EARTH ALLIES! They still send ships captains and we can build their ships in our shipyard right up until the moment the Illrath get to their space. Instead of killing off our allies, we should be able to pick who we send them to kill, the Vux or the Druuge or maybe finish off the Mycons...
And who the heck programmed the Earth long range homing missiles... that MISS half the time!?! You've fired your missile at a Mycon ship that is moving STRAIGHT away from you. It doesn't maneuver and your missile is heading right for it. Then, at the last possible moment, the missile SWERVES AROUND the enemy ship!!! AAARRRRGGGG! And you only had to hit it one more time to kill it and now the Mycon batt is recharged and it gives itself more life and now I've got to keep fighting the %$#@ thing! Our Air Force has better missiles than that NOW, and this is supposed to be in the future, when stuff is more advanced!?!
Thanks, I needed that! Anyone else have anything to Rant about?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
As for the latter, well, everyone has really good ECM?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
I would be inclined to agree with Death 999 about missiles. Earthling Cruiser missiles are canonically Cold War surplus ICBMs (, and are operating under vastly different conditions than they were designed for. On top of that, the enemy ship can be reasonably expected to use ECM and the like to try and fool missiles.. it's really not at all surprising that the Cruiser missiles aren't spectacularly reliable
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
Really?!? So 150 years from now we can do no better than plucking old ICBMs from their silos and stuffing them into launch tubes aboard our ships? Obviously without upgrading thier targeting processes! I guess no one ever heard of putting some ECCM into the missiles targeting sensors...
Most of those were MIRVs, with anywhere from 10 to 20 warheads. So why can't we attack a whole fleet with one missile?
No one else with anything to rant about?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 03:38:26 pm by Foxbat1701 »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, it wasn't cool enough for FF & PR3...
I remember getting Timewarp Light to run with multiple ships in the field, and it was a mess.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
2v2? I wouldn't mind trying 1v 2 or even 1v3. Depending upon the enemy, but after your Precursor ship is upgraded to the max, its pretty powerful. I think I could take on 2 or 3 other ships. I think the hardest would be the Kohr Ah, they're pretty tough.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
What, no one else with anything to rant or complain about? Well, I've got another...
Those $%^&* Rocks! Those blasted asteroids. Those stupid rocks are always popping up out of nowhere and blocking my path. Against most ships my primary tactic with the Predursor ship is to retreat away from them, keeping them at optimum range and blasting the crap out of them. Most ships are killed by the Hellbore Cannon with 1 or 2 shots, the Kohr Ah take 3 or sometimes more. And the rocks rarely seem to do anything to the enemy ship that is in my favor.
Its bad enough I've got to fight the enemy ship, why the %^&*() do I have to fight the darn GAME too?!?
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