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Topic: UQ MASTERS HD En Español FINALIZADO (Read 7028 times)
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Posts: 245
muchos gracias for your efforts
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
So excited I came across this project. Played the game back when it came out and been hooked for life.
Was just talking with my daughter this morning and she was asking about the game (Fresh install after 8 yrs) she saw it and got hooked, although she is not fluent in English. I was thinking would be a good idea to use subtitles for the game.
It seems you pretty much finished translating the whole game. But if I can help in any way I would gladly do so. So... 10+ Years experience as an interpreter are at your service (English/Spanish). If I can help please let me know. 
Also as much as I like the idea of having audio in Spanish, native language should remain, supported by subtitles. As much as allot of people do not like it, there are allot of us who dislike hearing non original content. Just doesn't feel right.
Zebranky food

Posts: 12

Thank you very much! You can play the game and give me recommendations if you want. I know English, but not as much as you probably haha. Well, about the voices, I would like then to be optional, give the player the option for change the language of the voices, although by default come in English.
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