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Topic: Stardock Highest Bidder on Star Control Trademark (Read 61731 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 122

And thank you for outbidding these guys! (wtf?)
This is the first time I've posted here in almost a decade, I can't believe how long ago it was when UQM was first released. I'm glad this forum and project are still kickin. Hey meep-eep!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 231
There was a Star Control 3? ;-)
I like the mechanics of the Starflight games but who can forget the first time they played through Star Control 2? When they realize that just some random planet has its own dialog tree with some cool resource hidden away?
Posts: 520

Hmm. I forgot/neglected to upload those pages to my functional server, but I don't like my old SC stuff much. Didn't think anyone cared about it.
My Star Control project(s) didn't really go anywhere, maybe because Starflight won me over. Also, I feel like the SC universe is more interesting than the game mechanics, but it feels wrong to change something like the Melee (it never quite fit into the single player, I felt) or mining, so I just dropped the project(s). Actually, I'm still eyeballing my Gameboy style RPG (SC Saga) because it's so scaled back and silly that it's actually doable.
Would've loved to grab some of Atari's more obscure IPs myself, but I'm not even aware of which ones they sold (they sat on a lot of stuff). Some terrible smartphone or f2p dev probably bought the bunch anyways.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 231
I think a big part of the upcoming development fun is going to be including the communities in the development process.
One thing that's going to be helpful is that so many people here are already familiar with Star Flight. That's going to save us a lot of time in asking people to go play that game.
Jeff Graw
Zebranky food

Posts: 18
One thing that's going to be helpful is that so many people here are already familiar with Star Flight. That's going to save us a lot of time in asking people to go play that game.
Well, that pretty much eliminates any fear that the new Star Control will be dumbed down like other modern redos. A game that takes the best out of SC2 and Starflight sounds like an instant masterpiece 
One suggestion: though the RPG crew mechanics in Starflight were pretty cool, it was a bit lame how you could just get people to max level by spending money. If those crew mechanics were to make a return, then hopefully the leveling process would be more gradual. It would also be nice to see minor as well as major skills. So in addition to the mainline stuff (piloting, engineering, communications, medicine, etc) you could have niche skills like zero-g combat, survival, programming, etc. that would come in handy in special situations.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 02:13:12 am by Hurleybird »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 127
None of this changes the status of the Ur-Quan Masters or Star Control on GOG.
That's all I needed to hear. Whatever the future may hold, I'm glad to hear that Stardock won't be saber-ratling the poor volunteer army of UQM. =)
I'm excited by the news that the Star Control license is once again in the hands of a company that cares enough to do anything with it. I honestly don't even care what Stardock's plans are, as long as it's something more than "stick it on a shelf and only dust it off often enough to keep the legals nailed down." I think it's safe to say Stardock has something more than that in mind.
Reboot, remake, sequel, prequel, whatever. I already know that any forthcoming Star Control game won't be exactly the same as the old one - it literally cannot be. Just as the new Star Wars trilogy couldn't possibly have been the same as the original - it's a product of a new generation, for a new generation. Time has changed everyone's perspectives, including Paul's and Fred's, to some degree. Even with them involved to the hilt, it would be different. As long as it's got enough similarities, I will be satisfied to know that the franchise is not dead anymore. =)
Rock on, Brad. You hold a palpable piece of my heart in your hands, all I ask is that you keep the dream alive.
Frungy champion
Posts: 69
So Excited!
Just make it exactly like SCII...with more turning angles...
Understand the point of a XCOM-like reboot, but would be happy with a straight up sequel to SCII. I guess it would be hard to appeal to people who never played SCII though. Maybe an opening with a short summary, or dialog in game could explain the SCII story?
Keep the top-down combat, but maybe 2 on 2? Or Massive fleet battles? Or every battle includes your primary ship + 1 ally.
It would also be cool if your allied ships could participate in conversations or events...other than just being meat shields.
Meh, who cares, just so excited that this is actually happening!!!
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