Topic: Stardock Highest Bidder on Star Control Trademark (Read 61697 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Yeah, this time I'm with Fake. He didn't bring up FF & PR3 at all.
Not that his overall point makes any sense at all, but on this one detail, he's right.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Stardock will not, has no reason to, and has many reasons not to, use P6014.
P6014 will not, has no reason to, and has many reasons not to, offer itself to Stardock.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 203
Regardless of your intent, the fact that P6014 is merely a fan sequel automatically makes it's story play in a timeline alternate to that of the TFB official
That would only be true if TFB had already came out with their own version, which they haven't.
Stardock will not, has no reason to, and has many reasons not to, use P6014.
No one has to use p6014 itself, they can just use assets from it. P6014 has a reason to in order to keep the storyline between all the games consistent, it would be weird and confusing if you played SC2 then you get to the completed p6014 and it's completely different than what the stardock prequel suggests, all the games should have a continuously and flow of events.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 11:01:50 pm by FakeMccoy »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 203
Wrong. The TFB storyline ended with the destruction of the Sa-Matra, with some hints about the future that aren't necessarily worth a new plot. The fact that TFB didn't make a sequel doesn't make P6014 anything less alternate.
Except if p6014 coheres to what TFB suggested or implied happens in the future, and TFB doesn't have their own sequel, then there's nothing to define what p6014 is alternate to, therefore making it the THE story-line, unless you want to count that piece of crap SC3 made completely independent of nearly any real SC2 inspiration. The concept isn't much different than saying "I'm going to chose either the round one.". Ok, either the round one, or...what? There's nothing defining what the other choice is, therefore making the round one the only current choice.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 12:54:51 am by FakeMccoy »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

Even if P6014 performs something truly awesome it won't be anything more than an alternate timeline to official, even if it follows the premises built by TFB. SC3 is a viable continuation of SC2 and at the time it was made -- like it or not -- it was official. Consumer preference might say otherwise, but that sentiment only is not enough to declare that a mere fan project is the true continuation of a storyline. You either have to own the franchise -- and on an official level that alone is enough -- or need to have an influence in it's creation, none of which you do.
StarDock owns the franchise now, and they decided to leave the TFB timeline to be continued by Paul and Fred whenever they wish, while SD reboots the franchise in an alternate timeline forking off from the first encounter with the Chenjesu. With this, Brad Wardell and his boys not only demonstrated how they have way more class than you have, but also made a statement that unless Paul and Fred decide to make a sequel to SC2, the conclusion of the TFB timeline is that there's nothing worth a videogame plot happening after Grandpa Zelnick's tale ends. You have no influence in this matter. The only thing you can do is to admit that whatever you make won't ever be the mainstream, just a highly appreciated alternate work at the best.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
Anyone who thinks an official Star Control game would incorporate fan-made material in any way is sadly delusional and lacks knowledge of the legal issues involved in this kind of stuff.
It. Will. Never. Happen.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 203
Its very simple logic that shouldnt be hard to inderstand. Unless you truly like the anti Fred/Paul SC3, there is no official UQM sequel, there is nothing called "The Ur Quan Masters 2" or "The Lurg Return" or ect, therefore p6014 has nothing to be alternate to. As far as legal issues go, all stardok has to do is have a few people fill out a form waiving royalty fees or in a more extreme case any intellectual rights. On top of that, the suggestions many random people have made are not copywriten, patented or trademarked which means they can easily have a modified version implemented into any official stardock product. I've worked on games before and I've suggested ideas to three different game companies that have been implemented, ive been on both end of legal issues, I've hired people for for flat rates and percentages, taken ideas, used stuff for free, some stuff paid for royalty free, checked licenses extensively when using various software. For ideas, all you do is hit the "I agree" button about crediting or not getting paid money or main contributors can issue the project under a CC license or public domain. If stardock really wanted to pay money they can simply offer a flat rate for royalty free purchases. If anything, stardock can save time by having their writers look on the wiki page where there's many suggestions for evens that fit wit te SC2 storyline.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 05:00:11 pm by FakeMccoy »