Trolling is going somewhere on the internet to harass people and purposely trying to cause arguments. Guess who never called anyone a "RACIST FUCK" nor was ever the first in a conversation to direct snide or rude remarks at a user? I'll give you a hint: you're reading their post, and your last post on top of this thread only proves it. I don't particularly understand it, but appears that ironically the freedom of the internet makes many people slaves to their own primal emotional biases. All people got to do is use rational reasoning and not let their "trolling instincts" ruin topics and accept that people can have views that are not theirs, that is if people actually want what they say they want, which is to not have arguments. That's it, it's that simple.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 08:31:07 am by FakeMccoy »