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Topic: RU collecting is SO boring (Read 14558 times)
hello everyone.
I just kinda decided to post something here bout my first SC2 experience... ahh *gets all nostalgic* i was roughly 8 years old.. ahh those days. i understood 500-1000 words of english ( im a finn so english isnt my primary language) and i used that "lander cheat" tho i didnt think it was a cheat back then and for me, it wasent.
If memory serves. i didnt understand much of what the aliens said in words but i got the mood of what they said.. which was kinda funny when exploring planets that were destroyed =) quite amasingly, i allmost finished the game... if you can imagine a 8 years old that cant understand what the aliens are talking about(for the most part). albeit that i had unlimited money.
i got all the way to getting the talking pet, the utwig bomb, and the chmmr freed... and getting some.. mm .. help. from the syreen that was kinda fun. one of the things i DID understand XD i got all the upgrades.. cuz i actually DID explore the planets and get lots of "greens" =) ... i didnt get to finish the game cuz the kor-ah´s allways killed everyone.... i did finish the game many years later when i could fully understand what they talked about.
*side note: the difference between SC2 and SC3 is like the difference between MoO2 and both cases the 3rd ones are .. mm .. playable but nowhere NEAR the previous versions..." in anycase. have fun in the future ^_^
*puts on a pink tutu and starts dancing away and hums the pkunk theme song (mod version)*
Captain Smith
If it helps as a reference point (I was not aware of this one personally, but it's at PONAF for sure):
Is there any knowledge which you alone possess?
Knowledge is the purview of the Utwig. We Supox are but the effectuators. In truth though, we have learned a fact or two unknown to others largely because we did not think anyone would care in the slightest, but since you ask, listen. We have not fared far from our region of space, but we have explored this region thoroughly. Of all the oddities we have found, from the firefalls of Nalnar to the servants of Mali the truest mystery was the nature of a world we found at the orange star, Beta Leporis. As a general rule, we prefer not to dwell in such long-wavelength regions as the light lacks tang, but we were on a mapping mission. That was when we found the planet. At first we thought our scanners had failed, for they showed us a world of chromatic aspect. Then we located the source of our malfunction... the planet itself! Somehow the planet generates a field of unusual radiations which scramble delicate circuitry. Though blazing hot, we attempted a landing. Before we were forced off the surface by the intense heat we registered the presence of huge amounts of processed radioactives. Strange, is it not?
Captain Smith
FWIW, I interrogate the Supox usually before I get the Ultron and return it to the Utwig. I have tried to interrogate them after I do that and the option "How is the war going?" usually gets coughed up...
My guess is you'll have to wait until the war happens and they return back, THEN interrogate them.
Speaking of conversation I don't know how to get, I notice in the PONAF conversations that the Supox and Utwig will both gift ships - I don't know when or how though - maybe this will come up if you hit their space AFTER the war happens and go to their homeworlds?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109

Well, according to the source, the first time you visit the Supox, soon after you've formed the alliance, you'll be given the option to say this:
#(can_you_help) Two leaves pull water from the same root.
To this, they will either reply two things...if you have too many ships in your fleet, they will say:
#(HOW_HELP) supox050.ogg Such wisdom! Your meanings run deep, we ponder their significance. Ah, yes! You wish us to give you assistance... such as our fighting ships!
#(DONT_NEED) supox051.ogg Yet, you seem to possess a fleet in concert with your need. We will reserve what few ships we have left for our final defense against the Kohr-Ah.
Otherwise, they will say the HOW_HELP line, followed by the following:
#(HAVE_4_SHIPS) supox052.ogg Your words have merit. We shall dispatch a pod of our starships to join your fleet.
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