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Author Topic: Another Attempt at a Sequel  (Read 26294 times)
Zebranky food
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Another Attempt at a Sequel
« on: September 13, 2013, 07:35:29 pm »

Hello Everyone,

This is just something I've been tinkering with since around March or so, hopefully I can develop something that you guys can play.  I've been able to locate various "fan art" for the ship models, and used some source code from UQM like the star maps, and how planetary elements are generated.

I'm off on a bit of a non-functional development tangent right now, trying to add particle effects to the earthling nuke missiles, and chmmr lasers, but after that will implement TCP/IP so that at least there is a playable part for the public to test with.  However, all those star systems in the map are navigable, there's something under 5000 unique systems in there.

Don't be too critical, this is my version of somebody building a ship in a bottle, or putting models together in their spare time.  I'm by no means a professional game developer, I'm merely learning it as I go along.

Oh yeah, the end product will be open source (as I have no choice) - I've just put other people's work together here to create the environment.

These stars are actually "twinkling"
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2013, 10:01:59 pm »

Holy cow! That looks amazing!

Maybe you could sync up with those P6014 guys and bounce some ideas off of each-other?
Zebranky food
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2013, 10:16:16 pm »

I did manage to get in contact with Damon crank, but I had limited experience with C++ and getting the source to compile.   I did use their Map though.
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2013, 10:29:26 pm »

Gatcha. Is the combat in this version intended to be 3D, vs top-down? Either way, it looks like you already have a lot of work done, and the ships look fantastic.

Whether or not you're collaborating with P6014, I'm sure there's resources both projects could share? Looking forward to the results, either way! I just want to play a decent SC3, one way or another. Smiley
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 10:56:43 pm »

If you need planet textures just let me know what dimensions you need.
Zebranky food
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 11:11:20 pm »

I'll need better looking Gas Giants.  I have been using 2048:1024 sized textures in DDS format.  A few copies of "Water World" textures would be good, and the normal maps to go with them.

So far, I've used most (if not all) of the textures available at freebitmaps(dot)blogspot(dot)ca - I don't know the rules for pasting links, but I'm not trying to sell anything, but referencing somebody's work I've used.
Zebranky food
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2013, 11:17:17 pm »

Gatcha. Is the combat in this version intended to be 3D, vs top-down? Either way, it looks like you already have a lot of work done, and the ships look fantastic.

Whether or not you're collaborating with P6014, I'm sure there's resources both projects could share? Looking forward to the results, either way! I just want to play a decent SC3, one way or another. Smiley

I meant Damon "Czanik", damn autocorrect unfixed that for me.  I ran into a brick wall trying to get the source to compile 6014 in my VS2012 IDE, but it was only after that attempt that I tried this route of development. I figured I would make an attempt to bring it to 3D like the transition of DMA's GTA 1 & 2 to Rockstar's GTA3 (and up).

Combat unfortunately is going to seem like the old Wing Commander style as a model.  That's why it's important for me to get that out the door for testing as I don't want it to suck.  With people able to play/test it, at least a good base for melee will be there.  The rest of the SC2 elements I will try to replicate, but in 3D, and then there's always new stuff to add
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2013, 04:21:18 am »

Cool! Best of luck to you!
Zebranky food
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2013, 04:27:52 am »

Models for puppets are the following challenge...
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2013, 12:56:27 pm »

Great work nuke! You need help with 2D art, just PM me.

Check dA for some of my non-art ...
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2013, 04:52:40 pm »

This looks really amazing, good work!

My only complaint is the star map.  The contrast between bright stars and black background is a bit much, and makes it difficult to read the text.
Also, as a purist and assuming this is supposed to be HyperSpace, I think I'd prefer a reddish backdrop. =P

But that's a minor quibble.  Let me know when there's something vaguely playable (even a beta version or demo) and I'll be ready and willing to give it a go for you!
Zebranky food
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2013, 05:12:07 pm »

Yeah, the stars in the map actually twinkle, very much like the ones in the night sky.  Everything has been functional additions to this point, I plan on cleaning it up and polishing the look as I complete a few other things.  Hyperspace is merely a construct there, I have not put much work into it other than placement of where things ought to be so I can test flying between star systems.
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2013, 07:32:17 pm »

Looks interesting.

Oh yeah, the end product will be open source (as I have no choice) - I've just put other people's work together here to create the environment.

That's good, because I wouldn't use it if it wasn't going to be free software.[1] I do want to encourage you to release software you write as free software even when you are not required to by a copyleft license, though. I think it's unfortunate that we have so many non-commercial programs developed by volunteers that remain gratuitously proprietary.


Zebranky food
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2013, 04:52:44 am »

After contacting Toys for Bob, they said any IP from SC1/2 is allowed to be distributed, as long as it's open source.  If I desire to charge $ for it, then I will require a licensing agreement from them.  SC3 material looks like I would have to get Stardock's permission now (but the only thing that's worth anything there is the name itself). 

I've merely stitched everything together from fan-generated ship models, planet textures, P6014's map, base game engine from Reimer Grootjans, Charles Humphrey's Post-Processing Shadow effect, and Mercury Particle Engine (for smoke like effects).  I forget where I got the "sky" map code from.  Most of the time is spent trying to absorb those technologies into the engine.

The only problem is, how do I pay for maintenance of online servers (so that we can play for free)?  I would like to create a galactic sandbox so you can continue to explore even after finishing the story line. Ads are annoying.
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Re: Another Attempt at a Sequel
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2013, 12:10:03 pm »

Seems fun! Tell us a bit about the technology. What engine are you building this on? Will it be available for OS X or Linux in addition to Windows?

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