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Topic: Mac OS X HOWTO (Read 9101 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

SW rules
Yay.. the library installer worked much better than following the instructions (SDL wouldn't make and install.. I have it on Fink anyway.) No more using the Terminal to start up the debug version!
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
Hey all mac osX people. I am running Mcnamara's .app with his installed library files, and wanted to know if everyone/anyone else is getting the same bug. In a melee, when two ships start to do battle, half the time it works fine, and half the time it is really jerky and unresponsive with a low frame rate. When this low frame rate occurs, the game crashes within 10 seconds or so. In the full game, this low frame rate/crashing always seems to occur in combat. I have not been able to get past the first ilwrath encounter.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
No error here... Battle works pretty well for me, but I am interested if this is a widespread problem...
I will, however, have a harder time troubleshooting those users not running Jaguar, as I believe is the case here.. this app is built on and meant for use in Jaguar and I suspect that this problem may be somehow related to that.. I have personally not had a single all out crash with this version, and I recently finished the whole game, so at least over here it's okay.
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
Not the problem. I am running Jaguar. (10.2.3)
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Can you give me the console output?
if you do not have the most recent version of the mac app (compiled last Tuesday or so) then I suggest downloading that and running it and seeing how you do. A problem that *sort of* sounds like what you're getting (although it shouldn't result in a crash) was fixed in about the second iteration of the packaged mac app, but if you downloaded before, it may have something to do with this issue.
Try this and let me know. If it doesn't help, do post or e-mail the console output.
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
I must have been using a slightly older version of your app. I downloaded the latest one and that bug is gone. Thanks.
Robert McNamara
Good times.
Glad it is working now. Haven't rebuilt in a few days, but have been pretty steadily updating as things come down the grapevine, so the latest version should always be available at Nic's site. It seems like everyone is doing pretty well now, and I'm happy to hear it.
I have a question. I have the .app from the installer. It runs just fine. But two things:
(1) What are the controls on the mac version? I can't find the key to select menu items etc. I'm on a Pismo Powerbook btw.
(2) How, if possible do you invoke options like full screen, music etc? It was easy on the PC version. Just a few one letter commands in a shortcut.
Thank you to all of you for your work. 
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
As with the versions on other platforms, keys are stored in the content/starcon.key file. You can look there for the keys, but they are, in that version (as I recall), Space, Right Shift, and Return for the three buttons, escape to escape battle, and the arrow keys for directional control.
As for changing options, it is unfortunately not so simple on the Mac... the executable in the app IS the same as the command line version, so theoretically passing command line options *is* possible, but I'm still looking into it. I'll see what I can do. As it is, it should run automatically at the optimal settings, with OpenGL. The only thing really lacking is full screen and access to the graphics filters. I'll let you know as the progress on this comes along..
Right now I'm just hoping that someone will figure out why the controls no longer work in the current CVS on mac OS X. If anyone has compiled for OS X in the last several days and managed to make the controls functional, do let me know so that I know to look elsewhere besides the source code of UQM itself.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I can pass command line options, but I have to be sitting in the directory containing the .app. So, my command looks like: Ur-Quan\ --cscan pc
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Right, but that's not the point... I mean passing command line options to the .app. as I said, the executable is the same as the command line executable within the app.. it is a matter of being able to run those by double clicking the app. that's when it gets complicated.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I don't even see how that makes sense - pop up a window asking for options? Have an init file?
I think that a ".uqmrc" file to hold all of your preferences is a good idea anyways, if I am properly motivated (and the dev team is so inclined to accept it) it may show up in 0.3 , but that doesn't have the level of user-friendliness that Mac users expect/demand; so some maner of Cocoa app to write out the file on MacOS X would I think also be necessary.
Heck, maybe such a tool would be useful on all platforms. Who knows?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 08:28:55 pm by Nic. »
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