Topic: Ur-Quan Masters HD: Beta 1 Released! (Read 36960 times)
Posts: 709
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Well, I just played UQM HD again, so I can confirm that it knocks aliens back like it's supposed to.
Also, a couple more comments:
- I love the effect on Hayes' voice! Do you think you could make that into an add-on for vanilla UQM? (It would be nice if it was an add-on that was officially supported, too; I don't know how likely that is to happen.) - I don't mind the custom Quasispace remix, but please, it does not belong in the "3DO remixes" pack. Put it somewhere else. I happen to like the actual 3DO remix, and I think it's an unfair assumption that everyone who enables "3DO remixes" wants to hear something that is decidedly not a 3DO remix. (Though frankly, I don't understand why you have custom music in UQM HD at all when the remixes from the Precursors are perfectly good.)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Well, I just played UQM HD again, so I can confirm that it knocks aliens back like it's supposed to.
Also, a couple more comments:
- I love the effect on Hayes' voice! Do you think you could make that into an add-on for vanilla UQM? (It would be nice if it was an add-on that was officially supported, too; I don't know how likely that is to happen.) - I don't mind the custom Quasispace remix, but please, it does not belong in the "3DO remixes" pack. Put it somewhere else. I happen to like the actual 3DO remix, and I think it's an unfair assumption that everyone who enables "3DO remixes" wants to hear something that is decidedly not a 3DO remix. (Though frankly, I don't understand why you have custom music in UQM HD at all when the remixes from the Precursors are perfectly good.)
1. The files are all on our site at I can e-mail them to you (or you can unzip them). I can do it, but I'm not sure of how to submit stuff like that to you. 2. Honest mistake. We'll have to make sure that it gets all translated since gamestrings.txt wrong by a little bit can crash the game completely. Also, There is no custom music except for 2 songs? Like, including main menu music? There may be a couple custom (optional) music packages like the Precursor's stuff. We'd like to get individual artist packages available of art and/or music by one person. So you could play the Zarla art pack, Kwayne art pack, MisterCat music pack, etc.
Posts: 709
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I looked more closely, and yeah, the aliens don't get knocked back enough. It seems the amount they get knocked back hasn't been increased to match the resolution. Aliens that would get pushed back significantly are now only barely stopped.
Also, some things I forgot (sorry!): - I really like that there's descriptions for the Quasispace portals, but they could be more useful at times if they had more memorable descriptions than being near some random system. Preferably, a comparison to something that actually matters in the plot; for example, "near Earth" or "near Sol", not "near Centauri"; "Druuge space", not "near Persei"; "In the middle of Ur-Quan space", not "near (whatever the star it's near is)". Of course, these types of descriptions ought to only show up once these plot icons have been discovered. But the most baffling description was the one right in the middle of Camelopardalis, which incidentally is a constellation important to the plot, being described as "near Metis"... an unimportant star much further away. - The cursor moves painfully slow, then accelerates to a speed that's much too fast. Using the cursor to pick a star is therefore much more cumbersome than it needs to be. Incidentally, it's necessary due to the bug that prevents the right star from getting priority in selection and another bug that prevents the variable Quasispace portal from being selected without the cursor being at the exact right position, but once those problems are fixed, the cursor really ought to move faster from the start and not accelerate so fast or so fiercely. - The realistic textures in Sol (most notably Mercury and Io) make it near impossible to see the earthquakes. I don't think just turning the earthquakes white will fix this one. Maybe you could give it a black outline for better contrast? This way the white inside will stand out against a dark texture, and the black outline will stand out against a light texture. (Or you could go with having a "radar detection" visual; that would work too. Either way, it needs to be more visible on brightly-colored worlds.) - The rings on some gas giants in combat are visually cool, but the fact that they're a part of collision detection makes many uses of the planet unnecessarily more dangerous in a nonsensical way (real-life rings seem like they would be no more damaging than asteroids, which don't damage the ships at all in Star Control). Plus, it's weird that they show up in battle, where we don't really care what the planet looks like, but not from orbit or from space, where we do care.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 05:45:46 am by onpon4 »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
I looked more closely, and yeah, the aliens don't get knocked back enough. It seems the amount they get knocked back hasn't been increased to match the resolution. Aliens that would get pushed back significantly are now only barely stopped.
Also, some things I forgot (sorry!): - I really like that there's descriptions for the Quasispace portals, but they could be more useful at times if they had more memorable descriptions than being near some random system. Preferably, a comparison to something that actually matters in the plot; for example, "near Earth" or "near Sol", not "near Centauri"; "Druuge space", not "near Persei"; "In the middle of Ur-Quan space", not "near (whatever the star it's near is)". Of course, these types of descriptions ought to only show up once these plot icons have been discovered. But the most baffling description was the one right in the middle of Camelopardalis, which incidentally is a constellation important to the plot, being described as "near Metis"... an unimportant star much further away. - The cursor moves painfully slow, then accelerates to a speed that's much too fast. Using the cursor to pick a star is therefore much more cumbersome than it needs to be. Incidentally, it's necessary due to the bug that prevents the right star from getting priority in selection and another bug that prevents the variable Quasispace portal from being selected without the cursor being at the exact right position, but once those problems are fixed, the cursor really ought to move faster from the start and not accelerate so fast or so fiercely. - The realistic textures in Sol (most notably Mercury and Io) make it near impossible to see the earthquakes. I don't think just turning the earthquakes white will fix this one. Maybe you could give it a black outline for better contrast? This way the white inside will stand out against a dark texture, and the black outline will stand out against a light texture. (Or you could go with having a "radar detection" visual; that would work too. Either way, it needs to be more visible on brightly-colored worlds.) - The rings on some gas giants in combat are visually cool, but the fact that they're a part of collision detection makes many uses of the planet unnecessarily more dangerous in a nonsensical way (real-life rings seem like they would be no more damaging than asteroids, which don't damage the ships at all in Star Control). Plus, it's weird that they show up in battle, where we don't really care what the planet looks like, but not orbit or from space, where we do care.
If you feel it warrants it, submit them as bugs. The rings are staying in. The gas giants in orbit view will get rings in the future. Well, at least some of them. I'm looking at you Saturn!
Posts: 709
Sharing is good.
You've never linked to a bug tracker, so I'm not even sure where it is. All I know of is a Google Code page, which seems to be inactive; I don't know if that's because it's not the right place, or if it's because UQM HD is inactive.
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
the f7 key isnt working for me it dosnt change anything only makes the text part space out till it makes an anoying noise why?
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
when im vewing the map f7 does nothing and i tried to fugire it out how it works it just doesnt function for me all it does is makes the serch bar act like my space bar is glued down
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 12:26:43 am by mindspirail »
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
YOU HAVE TO PRESS alt+f7 for it to work
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
no its a standerd desktop with a reduler keybored and with number pad
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
star map is also very bugy it when its fully zomed out it locks on to the closet biest star next to the one your serching for and not the start you typed in
Frungy champion
Posts: 69
Lander bug entered as issue 261!