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Topic: Ur-Quan Masters HD: Beta 1 Released! (Read 42446 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 64

- I really like that there's descriptions for the Quasispace portals, but they could be more useful at times if they had more memorable descriptions than being near some random system. Preferably, a comparison to something that actually matters in the plot; for example, "near Earth" or "near Sol", not "near Centauri"; "Druuge space", not "near Persei"; "In the middle of Ur-Quan space", not "near (whatever the star it's near is)". Of course, these types of descriptions ought to only show up once these plot icons have been discovered. But the most baffling description was the one right in the middle of Camelopardalis, which incidentally is a constellation important to the plot, being described as "near Metis"... an unimportant star much further away. This can easily be changed by oneself. Just open the text file gamestrings.txt in "<game path>\content\base\" and edit the desired entries from lines 534 to 590.
I changed it as follows for example:
#(To 409.1 : 774. To 409.1 : 774.8 (near Draconis)
#(To 318.4 : 490.6) To 318.4 : 490.6 (near Capricorni/Cassiopeiae)
#(To 921.1 : 610.4) To 921.1 : 610.4 (near Arcturus)
#(To 567.3 : 120.7) To 567.3 : 120.7 (near Sculptoris)
#(To 191.0 : 92.6) To 191.0 : 92.6 (near Centauri)
#(To 860.7 : 15.1) To 860.7 : 15.1 (near Trianguli)
#(To 5.0 : 164.7) To 5.0 : 164.7 (near Mizar)
#(To 611.7 : 413.1) To 611.7 : 413.1 (near Camelopardalis)
#(To 565.8 : 971.2) To 565.8 : 971.2 (near Lyncis)
#(To 230.2 : 398. To 230.2 : 398.8 (near Gruis)
#(To 11.2 : 940.9) To 11.2 : 940.9 (near Corvi/Vega)
#(To 775.2 : 890.6) To 775.2 : 890.6 (near Leporis/Librae)
#(To 36.8 : 633.2) To 36.8 : 633.2 (near Circini)
#(To 973.5 : 315.3) To 973.5 : 315.3 (near Persei)
#(To 585.0 : 621.3) To 585.0 : 621.3 (near Crateris)
#(Falayalaralfali) Falayalaralfali
Of course you may change it also to "Spathi space", "Druuge space" and whatsoever...
edit: How can I switch off the smileys? "Don't use smileys" in the additional options doesn't seem to work. I know of the [noparse] tag in some forums, but this is regrettably unknown here.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 03:00:13 pm by Jugger »
Zebranky food

Posts: 40

Sir Donsalot
After playing for about an hour or so, I only really have one gripe.
The cursor movement on the starmap jumps from too slow to too fast, and it's very frustrating and difficult getting it in the exact spot.
I think the problem would be less of an issue if its minimum speed were faster, as it is I think it moves too slowly.
I know the game is still in development so I won't gripe too loudly it looks great, anyway! Although I have to agree about the Melnorme looking like an orange
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

As an alternative, reducing the smoothness of cursor movement might not only solve your problem, but might also give the feel of the original low-res map.
So no one can help with my issue Those remixes making starships ditties to sound awesome! From the original ditties of the ships (without those remixes I looking for) I like only the Druuge ditty! Because Druuge ditty sounds awful with modern remixes! Umgah ditty must be longer as Ur-Quan ditty otherwise it's not very good cause it's short. There is something that disappointed me in HD - one of the most beautiful parts in the story are the Rainbow Worlds. I expected far more colors... far more awesomness but they looks like a brush daubs in all directions! So ugly! Leaving all this... the HD is brilliant! Leading to the whole new adventure! Good job but 98% cause there is more that I don't like! Androsynth pilot is opposite - the lever for the thrusters is from the left side - HD is from the right. The acid bubbles red button is opposite and the meaningless thing is... the original game (not HD) There is a lever for a comet transform - now there isn't. The homosap just rise his hand and that's it. I don't like it. My opinion tho... not very important, just saying what I do not like much. The Ur-Quan is very beautiful but not beautiful as the old model would've been in HD! The new model is with very long neck. I love the old model more! Some pilots are completely changed... some in a good way, some in a bad way! I used to see the Kzer-Za to release fighters with it's magical stick - it was epic. And the turning control with it's tentacles on it's mouth! As a worst looking ship I choose CHMMR! Very very ugly... like a toy! Anyways... either way I'm happy because I had a dream before someone to make it an HD - to be so beautiful! Syreen and Earthling pilots are an awesome creations!
Zebranky food

Posts: 40

Sir Donsalot
How do you reduce cursor smoothness? I couldn't find any option for it.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

White wine makes my posts confusing lately, sorry. What I meant to say is that the implementation of rough cursor movement might be even better than simply making it faster.
Zebranky food

Posts: 40

Sir Donsalot
Aha, I see what you mean.
Frungy champion
Posts: 64

Regrettably I can't open the file, neither with WinRar nor with 7-Zip, "unknown format", it tells me.
Frungy champion
Posts: 64

That's ok now and worked. Your new design for the auric world looks good, thank you very much!
Posts: 817
thank was bugging me a i thought id give back. thanks to everyone involved in this project. looking forward to more work being done in the future. permission is given to use anything i post/make both past and future. just throw my name in there somewhere...even fine print works 
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 05:15:02 am by Defender »
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