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Topic: Tiny Trek: Star Control meets Star Trek (Read 7697 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

This looks like it could be a lot of fun:
2D Overhead battles (like Star Control), but with procedural ships and weapons.
Unlimited stars and planets. Unlimited aliens to encounter. Unlimited starships. Unlimited alien worlds to explore. IOS, Android, Ouya, Windows, Mac, & Linux.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

Too bad it takes ten bucks to get the game for mobile devices, where it really belongs.
Gamesare Studios
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Tiny Trek for PC COMPUTERS and mobile.....
I appreciate your feedback, thanks for the interest!
The game is in fact designed to work on PC's, iOS, Android and Ouya. Were are looking at Linux and Windows Mobile 8. When you back at 10 bucks you get the PC version and a mobile version as well, Thought that was a pretty good deal.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

I guess I sounded negative ... again. Don't worry, I'm just fantasizing in my unique way. If you live in Hungary, doing cost-benefit abacus jugglery is a natural habit that's hard to shake off, even when it's meaningless.
So, on the bright side, you're doing something I wanted to do myself back in the "good old days" and you're immortalizing the name of anyone supporting you, both of which I really appreciate.
Gamesare Studios
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Tiny Trek for PC COMPUTERS and mobile.....
No problem, thanks for the input!
Gamesare Studios
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Tiny Trek for PC COMPUTERS and mobile.....
I started working in the same office in the programming division of our shared job 2 years ago, He learned about my work in game programming, I learned about his work on Star Control II. I hope that doesn't change the that Dczanik thinks Tiny Trek would be fun, or my desire to answer as many questions as the internet has about it?
Gamesare Studios
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Tiny Trek for PC COMPUTERS and mobile.....
I completely agree with you, I do have to say he simply said he thought it might look fun, But I don't think he went above and beyond to pitch it, He told me about it after the deed was done, and I was more focused on answering questions over the entire campaign, so it slipped my mind. I hope you don't hold this against Dczanik, He works real hard on Ur-Quan and I think only wanted to share his excitement for the project. If you feel the thread itself is other wise not legit I would humble ask you delete it. If you have any questions about the game itself feel free to e-mail me as well as admin you should be able to get at my e-mail addie.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Not sure who would be angry at me when I make free Star Control games for them to play.
Well, To those angry, I said: "This looks like it could be a lot of fun:"
That's all I said. I wasn't lying. I wasn't trying to deceive. LOL! If it wasn't like Star Control, I wouldn't have even posted it. And, no offense to the creators. But it's not like there's a lot of traffic on the forum. Yes! We work in the same building. This is true.
I even helped him once move a fridge. It was white.
So, my apologies to anybody angry.
Full confession: I also once worked with a guy in Austin TX, who had a brother-in- law, who worked with Chris Roberts in the 1990s. Because Star Citizen will get mentioned by me eventually.
I try not to make meep-eep angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I didn't see any anger here except poor Bruce.
Gamesare Studios
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Tiny Trek for PC COMPUTERS and mobile.....
Kwayne! I appreciate the bright green congratulations notice. Thank your sir. In other news we have jumped on the Steam Greenlight bandwagon.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

I wish I could add to the cash pile, so I hope there'll be a PayPal preorder option in the future. Unfortunately KS seems to work only with Amazon Payments, which is suspiciously curious about my credit card data.
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